RP: It was a brief moment of snow and laughter

Nov 30, 2006 15:08

Date: November 29, 2004
Characters: Ginny Weasley
Location: Ginny’s Tent
Status: Private
Summary: Ginny’s owl returns.
Completion: Complete

Ginny awoke to find Mishka had commandeered half of her pillow in the middle of the night and the sound of fluttering wings. She was out of the bed in a heartbeat, her wand in hand as she padded barefoot across the darkened tent to the kitchen cautiously. Although her nightmares had receded greatly since the petite redhead had taken her eldest brother, Bill, into confidence, she still slept lightly and with her wand in her hand.

She was sure it wasn’t Strix, Adrian’s owl, so soon after her visit to his flat and it had been even longer since she’d heard from Jack so she mentally crossed both of them off the list. Hospital or her brothers were the most likely culprits but she wasn’t going to take any chances.

There, sitting on the window ledge, was her owl looking frostbitten and covered in a thin layer of snow, which it shook off while glaring angrily at her as it wiggled its leg. Ginny blinked, reaching out almost in a daze to untie the small roll of parchment and golden key from the bird’s leg.

Unraveling the scroll, she read: 'приходит моя дочь'

Her eyes widened minutely at the missive and she palmed the key with a pensive eye before laying it on the counter gently. She wasn’t ready to leave just yet.

“Get warm and dry off. I’ll have some notes to send out later on. I have to find my trunks and start packing.” Ginny told the bird absently, somberly reading the parchment again.

My daughter comes… You know, we don’t have to do this.

’I have to do this.’

He will be upset.

’You’re doing that thing again.’

Which thing?

’The talking thing.’

Ginny padded across the kitchen and set the kettle on for tea. She was up now and she had a lot to accomplish with very little time to do it in. Dimtri Vladimirsky was not a wizard you kept waiting, even when he was like a favorite uncle to the young witch.

”Kisa, ve vill be late. Hurry now. Pavel grow impatient.” The tall, raven-haired wizard huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the frame of her bedroom door.

Ginny looked up from where she knelt by the armoire, holding up a pair of ragged boots. “Pavel, I’m just getting my warm boots. For Merlin’s sake, I’m not going to meet your father in St. Petersburg in the middle of winter in my sneakers.”

“You no meet Father dress like dat. Pavel havink dresses sent. Vhere dey, Kisa?” He growled, frowning as he stood with a dangerous clench of his chiseled jaw.

Glancing around, the petite redhead pointed to the two large black boxes stacked in the far corner. “That’s what’s in them? Honestly, Pavel, I have dresses. If you had told me it was a formal thing, I’d have dug out of the closet. You didn’t have to put yourself out.”

“Dug… vhat es dis vord? Like dirt? Kisa! Dis not humor. Pick dress und Pavel bring rest. Vell, stand not der vith openink jaw.” He waved dismissively to the boxes, a firm gleam in his eye that Ginny had grown to recognize over the short span of their unusual friendship and roommate status.

Lifting the lid of the first box, the petite redhead frowned, glancing back over her shoulder to the older wizard with an arched eyebrow.

“I can’t wear this, Pavel.” Ginny stated firmly. “These are…”

“House Vladimirsky es ancient house, Ginerva. You vill vear. Pick von or Pavel vill und dress Kisa himself.” He growled, his tone brooking no argument and Ginny sighed with long-suffering exasperation.

“Pavel will most certainly not dress me! Out!” Ginny grumbled, gesturing for the wizard to leave the room and he did, imparting a sly wink as the door closed.

Ginny was startled out of her reverie by the tea kettle whistling and she quickly set it off the burner, pouring the steaming water into her cup. She began making a mental list of things she had to do and the first thing on her list was to stop by the hospital and arrange for coverage of her shifts. Perhaps Lyda would be nice enough to watch Mishka for her, too.

Sipping her tea, her gaze fell on the tiny gold portkey and for the first time since comforting Adrian in his sorrow, her thoughts went to her lost friend.

november 2004, ginny weasley

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