RP: Book Collector

Nov 28, 2006 16:45

Date: November 28, 2004
Character(s): Hermione, Blaise
Location: Library
Status: Private
Summary: Hermione and Blaise discuss books and projects
Completion: Complete

Books )

november 2004, blaise zabini, hermione granger

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shh_blaise November 28 2006, 21:59:27 UTC
Blaise entered the library at nine-forty. Over an hour early for his meeting with Granger, but he’d decided that it was the best course of action to take ( ... )


shh_hermione November 28 2006, 22:06:41 UTC
As soon as the door opened, Hermione reached for her wand and looked up. From her seat, she saw Zabini step inside. Her gaze swept over him and she frowned slightly. He was dressed impecably, while she was wearing denims and a simple long-sleeve shirt. Well, if he were the type to expect formal business wear, this would be a short meeting. She didn't even own business wear, really, save for a couple of decent enough skirts ( ... )


shh_blaise November 28 2006, 22:16:49 UTC
Blaise eyebrow raised and he paused, his wand arm raised slightly higher than it had been previously. Granger! He should have guessed. There was a slight smugness to the quirk of her mouth as she greeted him that struck him as something one might not expect from the ex-Gryffindor, but he remembered it well from every time the witch had got a question right in class. There had been many of those moments and Blaise had quietly taken note of each one. That said more about her character than many would think.

“Miss. Granger,” He greeted curtly, slightly irritated that she had got one up on him. “I must say your choice of venue is-” he paused, for a moment, looking around once more, “- interesting.”


shh_hermione November 28 2006, 22:23:09 UTC
She noticed the tone of his voice and the slight curl of his lips. He didn't seem pleased that she was already waiting. Hmm. She took note of it before listening to the rest of his words.

"Neutral ground, Mister Zabini," she said simply, smiling slightly as she walked closer to him. "I couldn't see you accepting an offer for tea at my home, after all, nor did I feel comfortable meeting you on your turf, so to speak. The pubs are noisy and people are too nosy for their own good. The library seemed the best choice."

"Besides, I seem to recall you frequenting the library back during our years at Hogwarts, so it seemed to be a place where we might both feel reasonably comfortable," she added politely.


shh_blaise November 28 2006, 22:47:02 UTC
Blaise cleared his throat. The witch’s reasoning - he couldn’t fault it. In fact, had he not preferred his own turf, it would have probably been the same conclusion he too would have come to. Blaise found himself oddly impressed.

She’d noticed the time he spent in the library at school too. He’d always been discrete about how much time he spent there just studying for his own interest. Hiding away in corners, reading, watching and listening. Really she was quite the surprise.

Blaise nodded his head and let his guard drop just a fraction. As he did so his gaze was caught by a sign declaring ‘world history’ deeper into the library stacks, and he found himself momentarily distracted ( ... )


shh_hermione November 28 2006, 22:56:20 UTC
While he thought about what she'd said, as he was obviously considering it in a similar way that she, herself, would, she joined him in the middle of the lobby. She raised herself up to sit on one of the empty tables and waited for him to speak. She wasn't particularly good at socializing, but she was quite good at analyzing people and determining what made them tick, even in slight ways. Zabini wasn't somone you rushed or disrespected ( ... )


shh_blaise November 28 2006, 23:14:25 UTC
Blaise had been perusing the proffered chair. Deciding whether to sit or remain standing, retaining his height advantage. Perhaps if he had been someone else he would have felt more need for the advantage. After watching her cast a cleaning charm and appreciative of the observation and thoughtfulness that the gesture demonstrated, Blaise took hold of the seat and began to drop down ( ... )


shh_hermione November 28 2006, 23:30:53 UTC
"You're forgiven. If you'd not have asked, I'd have been thoroughly disappointed as I've judged you to be more cautious and certainly not so accepting," she said simply ( ... )


shh_blaise November 29 2006, 00:04:19 UTC
She wasn’t just blunt, she could talk and talk and talk. Blaise stood up; he’d sat down momentarily as he listened to her ramble, but now he needed space to think.

He walked over to what remained of a poster on a wall, reading absently the library’s aims. When she had said ‘you’re forgiven’ like that, Blaise had almost… Actually he wasn’t sure what he almost did. Something about Hermione kept throwing him off. If it wasn’t her well thought out reasoning, it was her bluntness or, in this case, her presumptuousness to forgive him ( ... )


shh_hermione November 29 2006, 00:31:00 UTC
"Of course it is." She smiled slightly. "I try not to share the bad ideas that I have. That can rather one's reputation, after all."

Hermione's smile widened. "Yes, exactly," she said. He really got it, which made her feel less foolish for excitedly discussing it. "We have to learn from the past or risk making the same mistakes. One of the first things I did after deciding on this project was approach someone to begin writing a book about both Voldemort wars, in fact. After the first one, there should have been more information provided to the public. I don't mean specifics on how people were killed or other glorifications of death, but information on motivation and prejudice. If there had, maybe people would have been more prepared for a second rising."

"It's like Hitler, during the second World War, and rumors of Grindewald being involved in that Muggle war," she continued. "Perhaps if our world had known more or, actually, wanted to know more, then Voldemort could have been stopped the first time. I really believe that we need to ( ... )


shh_blaise November 30 2006, 18:35:41 UTC
“Hitler?” Blaise asked, unaware of the presumably Muggle reference Hermione was making, but curious all the same. His eyes were drawn back to the sign he’d seen earlier. Maybe it would be worthwhile reading up on some Muggle history. If what Hermione was suggesting was true about wizarding involvement in Muggle wars it would be worth his time to further investigate it ( ... )


shh_hermione November 30 2006, 18:52:08 UTC
"Hitler had a similar thought process to Voldemort in terms of popularing the world only those he saw fit to live within it. He arranged the systematic torture and murder of people based on their religion and other factors, and was responsible for the deaths of more people than we even have in the British wizarding world," she explained generally, noticing his attention again wander to the history section. "I'm sure that section has quite a few books on World War II, which is the one we're discussing ( ... )


shh_blaise November 30 2006, 21:20:29 UTC
Blaise looked between Hermione and the history section, which had so caught his attention, interested by the comparisons the witch was making. “I think that perhaps there’s a case for studying both wizarding and Muggle history along side one another,” Blaise said as he regarded Hermione. “After all the whole point of studying History is to learn from it. Right?” He leant foreword, involved in the subject they were discussing. “I hadn’t heard of this Hitler, but imagine if the generations that followed Voldemort’s first demise had studied this World War II ( ... )


shh_hermione November 30 2006, 21:33:22 UTC
"Yes, exactly!" Hermione was enjoying the discussion a lot, though she'd not let her guard down at all. She was still cautious and didn't trust Zabini, but one didn't have to trust another to have an interesting conversation. That was proven by her relationship, of sorts, with Rita Skeeter.

"One of my greatest fears is that this will be another incident that is pushed far from the public mind because people want to move on and forget," she said, face flushed as she excitedly discussed one of her passions. "But they can't because it's so important to remember and learn from the mistakes, as well as see what was done correctly and study it, learn it, and make sure it's known."

"Of course, the first step in learning is having the desire to learn," she continued. "There has to be that thirst for knowledge, the need to keep one's mind active, and, without it, no amount of books or information will be any use. In this world, too many people wanted to live in the past. I admire our world, and I'm part of it because of this wand and the ( ... )


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