RP: Katie's Surprise Birthday Party

Nov 27, 2006 22:05

Date: November 27, 2004
Character(s): George Weasley, Katie Bell, Anyone else who is friends with Katie.
Location: Five Alarm
Status: Public
Summary: Party time!
Completion: Complete

George looked around... )

ron weasley, nymphadora tonks, alicia spinnet, fred weasley, george weasley, angelina johnson, charlie weasley, roger davies, katie bell, romilda vane, place: five alarm, november 2004, seamus finnigan, septima vector, lee jordan, ginny weasley, harry potter, peeves, cormac mclaggen, gilderoy lockhart, minerva mcgonagall, hermione granger

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shh_ron November 28 2006, 01:08:57 UTC
Ron was in great spirits. He was sure that George had gone all out for Katie's surprise party. Better still, his best mates were coming with him. Hermione was a bit tired, having had a long day, but she and Ron had managed to drag Harry out of his room, and Harry assured them he would at least try to be pleasant, even if he wasn't the most outgoing bloke in the room.

The trio left their home and walked up Alpha. After crossing the river, they turned east and strolled down River Road until they reached the Five Alarm pub. Pushing the door open for his mates, Ron scanned the room. It looked like a lot of people from Gryffindor had already arrived.

"Hullo," he called out. "Got room for three more?"


shh_hermione November 28 2006, 01:16:11 UTC
The walk over was nice, but didn't take long enough. Hermione really hated crowds, especially in unfamiliar places. She also hoped there wasn't some sort of expected dress code, because she was wearing a pair of comfortable denims and a jumper. At least the jumper was a nice shade of blue and fit well, instead of looking as if she'd stolen it from the boys.

She tightened her grip on her wand and Harry's hand, using both for support and to keep her grounded. She spotted several faces that looked somewhat familiar, but lingered behind Ron. She'd find a quiet corner and lurk until it was time to go home, most likely.


shh_harry November 28 2006, 02:12:17 UTC
Harry felt Hermione tense beside him, and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Are you all right, then? Don't worry, we can hide out together," he smiled at her, swinging their clasped hands back and forth.

He didn't really want to be here either, but he couldn't just keep hiding in his room. He fought for the right to live his life... he needed to start doing so. Or so Hermione had told him.

She was always the smart one.


shh_hermione November 28 2006, 02:17:32 UTC
"Just don't like crowds," she murmured, giving him a sheepish smile before she scanned the pub. She noted every blindspot and entrance, and frowned when she didn't sense any strong wards. Bloody hell, the people in this town seemed to think that Voldemort's death just made it sweetness and light now.

Ron went to the bar to get them drinks, and she focused on the blond man tending it until she realized it was Seamus. "Everyone's grown up," she said softly. She knew they had, too, but there were times when it still surprised her that they were in their mid-twenties now. During the last few years, it often felt like time had just stopped since they were so out of touch.

She looked at Harry and smiled, reaching up to brush his hair away from his glasses. "I'm glad you came with us tonight," she said. "Do you want to find a table or lurk in a corner?"


shh_harry November 28 2006, 02:47:16 UTC
Harry smiled. "Corner, definitely corner. Think we can escape detection? Maybe there's a nice plant we can hide behind..." He tugged on her hand, walking over to sit on a stack of crates that lined a wall.

It wasn't perfect, as they could still be seen, but it worked. "What you said to me made a lot of sense," he said, picking at the cuff of his shirt. "I need to stop hiding. I need to just get out there."

It was easier to say it. It always was.


shh_charlie November 28 2006, 02:48:58 UTC
After leaving George, Charlie looked around the pub to see if he recognized anyone else. Sure enough, three familiar faces were hovering near the entrance.

Charlie noted Hermione and Harry speaking quietly to each other, as they moved toward a quieter corner of the pub, and hesitated a bit before going over to them. He hadn't seen them since the gathering at his Mum's, and wanted to say hi.

Charlie leaned in to speak quietly as well. "Hey, you two. Alright?"


shh_hermione November 28 2006, 03:10:01 UTC
"I don't think it's that crowded," she teased. She let him tug her towards the wall and sat down on a crate.

She ruffled his chair lightly. "You say that as if I never make sense." She nudged his arm with her elbow and smiled. "Haven't you learned that I'm almost always right, Harry?"

"Seriously, though," she said, "you need to stop hiding. We spent seven years running and hiding in shadows to have this opportunity. It's not easy for any of us, for anyone really, but we've earned this chance to live. There's a time to hide in your room. Right now, though, it's time to stop hiding."

She heard footsteps approaching that sounded heavier than Ron's, which made her discreetly reach for her wand. She glanced up and relaxed slightly when she saw a face that was familiar. "Not too much for crowds," she said with a wry smile. "How are you, Charlie?"


shh_charlie November 28 2006, 03:15:33 UTC
"I'm okay. Glad to be out and about. Need to relax...been working on my place nonstop since I've been home."

Hermione's instinctive reach for her wand didn't go unnoticed by Charlie. He wondered how they were really fairing, being throust back into a social scene. Maybe if he tried to make it about him...

"I've been on my own in the wilderness for a long time." Charlie offered. "It's tough getting used to being back in public places, you know?"


shh_harry November 28 2006, 03:27:10 UTC
Charlie. Harry nodded at the older man, agreeing completely. "Yeah," he said, watching the crowd. "spot on, that. It's like learning how to do everything again. We're getting it though."

Mostly. "It's nice seeing you again, Charlie. I'm sorry we haven't been around as much."


shh_charlie November 28 2006, 03:31:01 UTC
"No worries, Harry. I've been out of the loop myself."

Charlie decided to give them some much needed space. "Well, I just wanted to say hello to you lot. Call me if you need anything. And promise you'll come by the cider house. Soon, okay?"


shh_hermione November 28 2006, 03:41:23 UTC
"Have a good evening, Charlie," Hermione said. "We'll come by soon. Let us know when you're ready for company."

After Charlie walked away, she looked at Harry. "You still doing okay? It seems to be getting more crowded."


shh_harry November 28 2006, 03:55:05 UTC
It was getting a bit tight. He was also quite worried about running into Ginny. He wasn't sure he was ready for that. Not yet. "It's... I dunno, it's easier to hide out here when there are more people. Everyone seems to be having a good time. How are you?"

She didn't look happy at all.


shh_ron November 28 2006, 04:00:16 UTC
It took Ron a lot longer to make his way through the crowd than he'd thought it would. He smiled and said a quick "Hi" to several people, but thought it best to get back to Harry and Hermione with their drinks as soon as he could. As he approached them, he saw his brother Charlie leaving. He was glad Charlie had stopped by to chat. He knew that Charlie thought a lot of both of them.

"Oi, Harry, Hermione, got your drinks here. Sorry 'bout that. Big crowd, eh?" he said as he finally reached their table and handed them their drinks.


shh_hermione November 28 2006, 04:05:21 UTC
"Thank you, Ron," she said, taking her drink from him. "Very big crowd."

She glanced at Harry and shrugged in reply to his question. "Fine," she lied. She shifted on the crate and took a drink of the juice.


shh_harry November 28 2006, 04:20:02 UTC
"You're rubbish at lying," Harry joked, taking a drink of his whisky. "We'll go and get some air in a few minutes. Just let me finish my drink."

Harry looked at Ron, who seemed the most comfortable with all the people and attention. "There you are, I was going to send out a search party."


shh_ron November 28 2006, 04:28:46 UTC
Poor Harry. This was his first time out in a big crowd since, well, forever really. He'd missed the party at the Burrow due to a blinding headache, but this time Ron and Hermione all but dragged him out of the house. He still seemed skittish, even among people he'd known a long time, like his Gryffindor housemates. But Ron reckoned that this was as good a time as any for Harry to rejoin the real world.

"No need for a search party, mate," he said, taking a long sip of his Ogden's. Standing near the table, he scanned the crowd again. The room was full of familiar faces. There was one face, though, that surprised Ron...and made his heart race a bit. "Oops, I might've spoken too soon. I, er, I'll see you lot later. There's someone I want to say hello to."


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