RP: A Friend on the Doorstep

Nov 27, 2006 18:51

Date: November 27, 2004
Character(s): Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet
Location: Ali's Apt.
Status: Private
Summary: Ang shows up on Ali's doorstep just in time to find out about Katie's surprise party!
Completion: Incomplete

It's been a while... )

angelina johnson, katie bell, place: private residence, november 2004, alicia spinnet

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shh_katie November 28 2006, 00:22:42 UTC
Katie had taken her time getting ready, although a large part of that had been staring despondently into her closet. She hadn’t been out out, in a very long time, back when Quidditch was still on and life was a little simpler. And she had to say, that sadly her wardrobe reflected it. Anything not ‘practical’ was many years old at least, robes or more casual clothes alike ( ... )


shh_alicia November 28 2006, 00:28:18 UTC
Alicia heard the door and walked into the living room and down the hall to open it, shoes sounding loudly on the wooden floor. She was a bit puzzled because she didn't know who it could be. Bugger, what was it with people dropping in on her today?

Opening the door, she squeaked as she saw Katie. "Hey! Wasn't I supposed to pick you up?"

"You look gorgeous, love. I don't even think that I have to redress you although you should show off those legs. We're going shopping soon to get you some new jeans, I swear." she rambled, before remembering Angelina was with them.

"Oh, do you want a drink? Go into the bedroom; I'm getting ready in there." Ha, she could be sneaky.


shh_katie November 28 2006, 00:33:55 UTC
"Why not?" Katie replied, deciding she hadn't had more than a drink or two in a long time, and it was well deserved.

She followed Alicia into the bedroom, able to see half the room covered in clothes already. But at least by the look of her Alicia was practially ready to go, if her clothing was any indication.

"I hope you have something stronger than butterbeer...." Katie let her voice trail off when she saw who was sitting in a chair beside the bed.

"Angelina!" her face broke out into a wide smile at the sight of her friend. She had seen a few pics in their sporadic letters, but she hadn't actually seen the girl since she had left for Australia


shh_alicia November 28 2006, 00:37:13 UTC
Remembering that Katie had had a few shots of Firewhiskey at the pub the other day, she poured her a glass of whiskey and carried it into the room. Hearing her two friends chatting reminded her of old days and she smiled in anticipation of what the night would bring.

"Here you go!" she said, passing the glass to Katie and turning to look in the mirror. "I couldn't decide on what to wear but I think I'm sorted now," she said, smoothing the black and gold t-shirt down. "Let me do my mascara and I'm good to go."

Reaching for the mascara wand, she blackened her eyelashes. Although she could use glamours and charms.. She didn't like them much. "So Katie, any blokes in mind for tonight? Are you looking for tall, dark and handsome?"


shh_katie November 28 2006, 00:40:59 UTC
"That sounds like good requirements," Katie smiled. "Although I would settle for blonde, medium, and decent looking."

She drank her firewhiskey as Alicia finished her mascara and Angie settled back in her chair, a little uncomfortable in the role of trolling for men, but meeting up with someone in Exeter would be about the only way to have a casual night.

"Who am I kidding?" she laughed, gulping down the last of the whiskey, "I'd settle for alive."


shh_alicia November 28 2006, 00:44:07 UTC
"Aww Katie, I didn't know you wanted me," Alicia joked, taking a large sip of her whiskey and finishing it. Picking the bottle up, she poured another round for her and Katie and topped up Angelina's vodka drink.

She shook her head. "Come on, you know you have the face and body to demand high standards, Kate," she reasoned, picking up her hairspray to keep the curls in place. "And you're a darling to boot."

"Now who's ready to go have some fun, hmm?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at her friends and grinning.


shh_katie November 28 2006, 00:47:27 UTC
Darling, just what every man wanted, Katie snickered to herself. They all went for the nun persona.

"I think taking off is an excellent plan," she agreed, raising her glass in toast to Alicia. "By the time we get going I'm going to have to get up in the morning."

She shrugged into her cloak that she had tossed on Alicia's living room chair, while they other girl disappeared back into the bedroom for a moment, claiming to have forgotten something. Angelina was trying to hide a grin, but failing.


shh_alicia November 28 2006, 00:51:49 UTC
Alicia waited for Katie to go before penning a quick note to George.


We're on our way. Little drunk. Katie has no idea. Haha!

Love Ali x

P.S. Get me a Firewhiskey for when I get there, por favor!

P.P.S. And a martini for Angie Katie!

Sending Angelina out to herd Katie out of the flat and tell her that Alicia was looking for her handbag, she quickly attached the letter to her owl and told it to deliver it to George at the Five Alarm before hurrying out the door and warding it behind her.



shh_katie November 28 2006, 00:57:05 UTC
"Ready," Katie confirmed with a smile, thinking it had probably taken her one tenth the time to fix herself up to go out, smiling when Alicia came out of her room carrying the handbag.

Two drinks wasn't much for her, but she had a bit of a feeling Alicia and Angie had started before she got there.

"Shall we walk? It's a nice night," she suggested casually as Alicia shrugged into her coat.


shh_alicia November 28 2006, 00:59:55 UTC
Alicia pulled her leather jacket around her, surprised at how mild it was considering the lateness of the year. "Yeah lets walk.. I'm a bit pissed truth be told," she admitted with a grin.

She puzzled for a moment, not sure which way to go despite working at Five Alarm. "Er, sorry. Got a bit disorientated there.. So how's working for Towler? Any other clients yet?" she asked as they walked.


shh_katie November 28 2006, 01:04:36 UTC
"Let's just say I don't plan on making a career out of it," Katie replied with a sigh as they took off, thinking of the mold she had spent a lot of time cleaning off. "Although I'm working for Blaise Zabini as well - although all his work is at least indoors. Decorating, minor repairs, some painting and the like."

Now there was a man worth having an affair with; too bad she had to work for him every day. But it made for some nice nighttime fantasies.

"But, I'll me getting paid," she grinned, "makes it all worth it in the end." Walking from Alicia's flat was certianly getting them there sooner than coming from hers.


shh_alicia November 28 2006, 01:08:00 UTC
"Zabini? Wasn't he one of Malfoy's mates? Completely gorgeous?" she asked, trying to remember the Slytherin. Hell, the only reason she recognised the name was because it was so unusual.

"Is he still gorgeous?" she asked. Plots were hatching in her mind as she thought about how she could wrangle a date for Katie and Blaise. After all, her friend deserved somebody good-looking and well-mannered.

She nodded. "Getting paid is good. Luckily I have plenty of Muggle money as I just got paid.. Mum and dad leant me some for tonight although I have to work it off at Christmas."


shh_katie November 28 2006, 01:11:44 UTC
Mate of Malfoy's? Reminding her of that put a bit of a damper on the fantasy.

"Yes," Katie replied honestly. "More gorgeous if it is possible. But I will deny I ever said it if you tell anyone." She had to work around the man's home.

"You should let me pay tonight Alicia," she offered, thinking of the few coins left in her purse. "I'll be getting paid soon, and I have to thank you for getting me out of the flat..."


shh_alicia November 28 2006, 01:16:25 UTC
Alicia resisted the urge to squeal. Barely. She nudged Angelina instead and winked. They'd have Katie flirting with Blaise if it killed them. She briefly wondered if George had invited the whole of Stoats to the party..

Her thoughts turned to Theo and she decided that Blaise could be an Adonis but she still didn't want to see Slytherins there. Not if Seamus was working- No, just full stop.

"Fuck off, Katie," she said amicably, shaking her head at her suggestion. "I'm paying and you can't stop me. Besides we need to get Angelina drunk to spill her secrets about Australia. I didn't bare all about Seamus to get a tiny tidbit about life down under."


shh_katie November 28 2006, 01:21:16 UTC
Katie rolled her eyes. "Fine, but I"ll warn you, I've learned to hold my liquor better since school. I'm bit of an expensive drunk." Best not to remind the two of them that once she was drunk though, she would answer pretty much any question asked of her. Discretion didn't survive the alcohol.

"But," she grinned at Angie who had been drinking with Alicia, "since somebody's already half there....we'll be stuck at the Five Alarm listening to interesting stories all night instead of heading to Exeter."

They had arrived at the Five Alarm by that point, not even noticing the short walk.


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