RP: Just another day at the hospital

Nov 27, 2006 13:32

Date: November 27, 2004
Character(s): Ginny Weasley, Roger Davies, anyone
Location: Hospital
Status: Public
Summary: Kittens, Catnaps and Patients.
Completion: Complete

Ginny hurriedly sat her teacup in the kitchen sink, grabbing her scarf and coat, slipping them on quickly before disapparating to the ward line. She'd gotten caught up reading over morning tea, Clinical studies on the effects of Legimency on Permanently Unconscious Hexed Patients, was a facinating read and now she was long over the time she needed to walk to the hospital.

Apparating at the ward line, the petite redhead looked down in surprise at the sharp 'Meow!' at her feet. On the other side of the invisible ward line sat a tiny black kitten and Ginny crouched beside it, giving it a pet, grinning happily. "Well, who are you, sweetie? Where'd you come from? Hmm, no collar so you aren't someone's familiar."

The tiny feline was shivering lightly and Ginny wasted no time picking him up, tucking the small kitten into her jacket. "There you go, sweetie. Can't have you catching cold, can I? Actually, I don't know what I should do with you. I can't leave you here and I'm already running late for work."

'meOW!' It poked it's head out of her jacket and began purring, settling into the folds of her jacket with a yawn. Ginny laughed, "My goodness, you are a faster mooch then my brothers and that's saying something. Okay, fine, you win. You get to come to work with me and later on, if you've been good, maybe you can come home with me."

Dispparating to the streetcurb outside the hospital, Ginny grinned as she looked down. The tiny feline was fast asleep even through the portalling. Striding into the reception area, Ginny stopped to sign in and pick up her notes.

"Whatchya got there, Healer Weasley?" Lyda asked, smiling as she noticed the tiny black paws sticking out of Ginny's coat.

Turning to show the receptionist, Ginny laughed. "Lyda, please, it's just Ginny. I found this guy on my way to work. Poor little thing was shivering in the cold on the ward line. He's so tiny and helpless, I couldn't just leave him there."

"Found yourself a familiar finally, have you? He's adorable. Awww... listen to him purr. I think I saw a case of cat food in the donation center. You want me to see if I can find it?" The older woman offered, stroking the kitten's paws happily.

Ginny nodded, "That'd be great, Lyda, but only if you're bored. I can go take a look on my break."

Walking to the locker room, Ginny mused. "Hmm... what should I call you? Can't just say 'hey you' all the time now can I? Let's see... Sasha? No, too girly. Joshua? Kinda grown up for you, isn't it? Oh! I know! Mishka! How do you like that name?"

The kitten simply stretched and curled up again on the bench as Ginny moved him to put on her work robes. Picking him up, she tucked the small, black kitten into her pocket and headed off to start her rounds.

november 2004, roger davies, ginny weasley

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