RP: The first day of school

Nov 27, 2006 22:17

Date: November 27, 2004
Character(s): Headmistress McGonagall, Professor Vector, Professor Jones, Professor Lupin, Professor Frobisher, Sibyll Trelawney, Hagrid
Location: The New Stoatshead School
Status: Public
Summary: The first day of school has finally arrived, and the professors have an eventful first day.
Completion: Incomplete

Minerva watched and waited as she checked her watch, the bell pull on the school bell curled tightly in her grasp. At exactly 8.15, she pulled the cord as the bell pealed over the whole town.

Now all they had to do was wait. She looked over at her fellow staff members, with every look from nervous apprehension to eagerness written across their faces. The scent of nervous anticipation also wafted in the air, and for a split second, she felt it too.

If anything, Minerva was probably more excited than some of the children. This was what she was born to do. Teach.

She watched as the heart warming sounds of laughter wafted through the air as the students arrived. The things that you don't realise you miss, Minerva thought with a smile. The sounds of children playing was sheer music to her ears. She noticed a few parents had come to accompany them, and she nodded firmly as they waved.

The light rain forced them to hold an assembly in one of the lower floor rooms - Minerva's Transfiguration classroom. The forty or so students showed a mix of reactions, from terror through to eagerness. It was a tight fit, but Minerva expanded the room with the flick of her wand, and transfigured a few more chairs for the assembly.

She smiled at a couple of familiar faces. She remembered a couple of the mature age students who had been at Hogwarts when it fell. There was young Romilda Vane, a former Gryffindor, who had come back to study for a Potions OWL. Minerva gave her a warm smile. It pleased her no end to see those faces in the crowd of many younger ones.

The students settled quickly as Minerva carefully got out of her chair and stood. She heard a couple of gasps from the other professors, but she dared to glare in their direction. There was no way the children were going to think of her as weak and old.

"Welcome to Stoatshead School!" she said with a proud voice.

"Some of you are probably wondering how this is all going to work. Your parents undoubtedly told you of Hogwarts, and of the house system. You shared your classes with your housemates. We won't be sorting you that way today." She heard a couple of audible groans from down the front of the room.

"What we will be doing over the next few days is assessing just how much magic you do know. We need to know so that we can put you into classes based on your experience." She saw a couple of terrified youngsters who appeared quite worried. "But don't worry if you haven't used your wand much before. Nobody is expected to start with magic they can't do."

Minerva summoned a piece of parchment and adjusted her glasses as she read. "I have randomly broken you up into four groups, and you'll each go with one of our professors so that you can start your lessons. In a few days we will give you a proper timetable, and we can get down to the serious business of learning."

"Now, when I call out your name, I would like you to go and stand with Professor Lupin. Professor Lupin will be your Charms professor, and he will be assisted by Professor Frobisher," she said as she indicated her staff.

She read the list of names, making sure that nobody was forgotten.

"Very well," she clapped her hands and the parchment disappeared. "I wish you all the best of luck!"

The sense of anticipation was still there as the other professors shuffled the students out the door to their classrooms, and she was left with the ten remaining students.

"Right," she said with a firm tone. "Why don't we see what you children know about the art of Transfiguration..."

septima vector, november 2004, victoria frobisher, sibyll trelawney, remus lupin, minerva mcgonagall, hestia jones, place: school

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