This time, it's... well, it's yet another crossover. What can I say?
But it's neither of the previous sorts of crossovers.
Artist's Statement
Edward Lane was an innkeeper in Port Royal, Jamaica, during a period of high-level pirate activity. The coin on the string around his neck in my painting was once payment for a week's stay. He kept it for about a month, until rumors of those holding identical coins being ruthlessly murdered - by walking skeletons, no less - began spreading.
As a descendant of his, I must say I'm glad he got rid of it. He was an only child.
This piece was sketched on canvas with charcoal and completed with oil paints. Family information found in attic at home.
--Jane Lane
And I blame the sinus infection for this one.
Tiffany finds the necklace on sale at Cashman’s. Sandi declares the pattern on the round gold thing unfashionable, but Tiffany thinks it’s shiny, and that’s enough for her.
No one really pays it much heed when she starts looking a bit thinner than she usually does, which is pushing anorexic. Her weight’s always been an issue. They pass it off as some kind of new diet. The Fashion Club wants to know how, of course, but she can’t explain it, unsurprisingly.
Everyone takes notice when her body is found on Dega Street, throat slit and necklace ripped off her neck.