Quin requested Crowley and Aziraphale meeting Finch and Arden,* and... well, I got half the request in (my brain has a v. hard time with trying to write Aziraphale, so I'm not horribly surprised).
*They started as D&D characters, then turned into Corporation characters; this particular iteration is the Steampunk Edition, which is something like but not entirely resembling Captain Shakespeare's ship from the Stardust movie. Also important to this bit: I have no idea what gender Arden is, and haven't since the character arrived in the headspace over a year ago.
"So... what exactly are you--"
Arden paused, looked up, and fixed Crowley with a glare the likes of which he'd not previously received from a human. "If you feel the need to ask, I'm certainly not going to enlighten you."
"What are you doing, is what I was going for." This was technically true, though while Crowley could appreciate a good androgynous figure as much as anyone else, he did retain some curiosity regarding the question of specifics.
"A bit of repair work for the back end of one of the lightning rods. Not my usual job, but in this case I'm the only one who can reach half the parts that need fixing."
"I thought you said you worked on a ship?"
Arden nodded, attention mostly focused on a particularly tricky set of worn cogs.
"Then what would you need so many lightning rods for?"
"How else do you expect us to harness the lightning? Honestly. Make yourself useful and hold on to these bits, would you?"
Crowley accepted the proffered parts, beginning to wonder if waking up from his century-long nap had truly been worth the effort after all.