A meme, stolen from jazzyglo

Apr 16, 2008 04:01

Five things I need to complain about:

1. I have so many projects around this house.

2. My husband doesn't agree which one's come first.

3. He does the project's so inevitably I usually give in, even though I usually kick in some or all the money towards said projects when I am working.

4. I don't have enough time in a week to keep my house reasonably clean even for myself let alone visitors.

5. I haven't seen my family (brothers and sisters) in a long time.

Five things that I need to celebrate:

1. I have a job I really like, if not am beginning to love.

2. I have people I don't know that well telling me what a great gal I am, let alone what a great manager I am.

3. I have a great family with whom I share a lot of mutual love.

4. I am healthy.

5. My kids are older and I have more freedom to be myself and learn more about who I am as a person.


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