Resident (Chapter 1 of ?)

May 12, 2011 22:39

Summary: Going back is never easy. Sometimes moving forward is even harder. You experience love and loss and learn just what it means to reside in one's heart.


Stepping off of the airplane and on to the tarmac at the Oakdale Airport was a bit of a surreal experience. In a few short months it will have been two years since the last and first time Reid had come to the small town. If you would’ve asked him what the odds are of him ever coming back, he would’ve probably had said none. Despite not getting out very much, he was partial to a bigger city. A town like Oakdale didn’t really have anything to pique his interest. ‘Okay. Maybe that was a lie’ Reid thought. They had great coffee and Katie, despite being so bubbly and persisitently annoying. So Oakdale had a few attractions. He refused to acknowledge which one was his favorite though. He did not have time to go there. Shaking his head, he placed his bag in the taxi and headed towards the hospital.


Every night my dream's the same
Same old city with a different name
Men are coming to take me away
I don't know why, but I know I can't stay

Luke sang under his breath, tying his shoelaces while the music blared in the background.

“Luke!” His mother shouted. “You’re going to be late!”

“I’m coming!” he yelled back. He stood up and looked in the mirror, smoothing down the front of his shirt. ‘Wallet,’ he whispered to himself. ‘Where is my wallet?’

He found it on the floor on the opposite side of his bed. He ran over to his stereo taking out the ‘Neon Bible’ CD and grabbed his keys, slamming the door as he rushed out of his room. He flew down the stairs, being stopped by his mom who was standing in the foyer.

“Got everything you need?” she asked carefully.

“Yes mom,” he sighed.

She handed him a twenty which finally earned her a smile. “I just want to make sure you have everything you need to register for classes.”

“I do, I promise.”

“What are you doing afterward?”

“Coffee at Java.”

She nodded her head. “Okay.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Say hello to that sweet boy of yours for me.”

Luke rolled his eyes. “I will.”

He hopped in his car and threw his paperwork into the empty seat next to him. He popped the CD in the player and reached behind him, grabbing at the seatbelt.

There's a fear I keep so deep
Knew its name since before I could speak
Aaaaah Aaaaah Aaaaah Aaaaah
They know my name cause I told it to them
But they don't know where and they don't know
When its coming, oh when but its coming

He turned up the volume and began singing loudly as he backed out of the driveway. The summer was practically over already and school would begin in a couple of weeks; Junior year. Two down and only two more to go.


“Dr. Oliver, it’s good to see you again,” Dr. Swan said as he stuck out his hand in greeting. Reid took it as offered and shook back.

“Where is he?” Reid ask wanting to skip the rest of formalities.

“Right this way.”


“Oh my god,” Luke laughed sliding into the seat at Java. He had just come from school where he had to have his picture taken and get his class schedule. “I swear my mother thinks I’m still thirteen or something. You look good by the way,” he said giving the brunette in front of him a run over with his eyes.

“Now, now Luke, keep those Bambi eyes to yourself. You know what they do to me!” Noah said grinning. “And hey. At least your mom cares.”

“Wow,” Luke said shocked. “I can’t believe you of all people are defending my mom. You two can’t even be in the same room together.”

“First of all,” Noah said sternly, “I’m not defending your mom. I am however, just saying it must be nice to have a mom who cares. Secondly, it’s not my fault your mom’s crazy.”

“She’s not crazy,” Luke sighed.

“Yeah you’re right,” Noah said sarcastically. “She’s not crazy and she’s also perfectly fine with you being gay, just as long as you date…….”

“Noah!” Luke warned. “Don’t say anything about him.”

He let out a deep breath. “Honestly Luke. I’m your friend, you know that, but I really don’t get what you see in the guy.”

“He’s sweet….and nice.”

“He’s a fucking virgin,” Noah said loudly.

Luke leaned across the table and hissed quietly. “Yeah. I’m a virgin too.”

“I know, but you at least want to have sex some day. I mean….Jesus Luke. Why do you think your mom is a-okay with you being a “dating gay” now? You’re dating a boy who’s chastity belt is locked with an unbreakable combination.”

“That’s not true,” Luke said shaking his head. He was playing with his coffee cup running his hand up and down the side then circling his finger around the lid.

“Really?” Noah looked around before whispering. “Luke…..has he ever even stuck his tongue in your mouth?”

“Noah! That’s none of your business,” he huffed.

“Oh my god, he hasn’t.”

“He has,” Luke said upset.

“But???” Noah questioned sensing that Luke was leaving something out.

He shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s usually…..quick. The times where we have…you know. He pulls back quickly. Maybe I’m just not good at it,” Luke said as a look of worry crossed his features.

Noah rolled his eyes. “Believe me Luke. I don’t think you’re the problem. But I am however telling you that I’m pretty sure your boyfriend is a monk, so unless you want to die without ever experiencing what it feels like to have a dick shoved up your ass, I’d suggest you break things off with him; preferably sometime soon while you’re still young….and flexible.”

Luke tilted his head. “Honestly Noah. Sometimes I wonder how we became friends.”

Noah looked slightly offended before blowing it off. His attention went to the opening door of the coffee shop and he nearly groaned seeing the sandy haired boy walk through it.

“Hey Luke,” the boy said as he strolled over to his boyfriend. Luke shot Noah a warning glare to keep his mouth shut before turning back to the other boy and smiling.

“Hey,” he said softly.

Their lips met in a quick kiss which nearly made Noah gag.

“Noah,” the boy said spitting out his name with a slight hint of disgust.

Noah clenched his teeth together and attempted to smile. “Roth.”


Reid looked down at the man lying on the bed. He took his penlight out and lifted each eye lid as he shined the light in them. He sighed a little and dropped his penlight back into his pocket.

“His family?”

“They’re in and out all the time. They’re not taking it too well.”

“I could imagine. Okay,” Reid said quickly, “I want to see all of his scans and while I’m looking at them, I want him to go down to MRI and get a new one as well.”

“We just took some last night,” Dr. Swan assured.

“I don’t care. I want more done right now. A lot can change in less than 24 hours, especially with stroke victims.”

Dr. Swan nodded and headed out of the room towards the Nurse’s Station. When the door closed behind him, Reid turned around and grabbed at the chart by the end of the bed. He flipped through it, however pointless it was. He already knew what it said, having memorized it long before. He stepped to the side of the bed again and leaned down, whispering into the ear below him.

“Listen to me old man. You forced me to come to this one-horse town once. You may say you were doing me a favor and if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have been able to keep practicing medicine, but that’s all a moot point really. What am I trying to say? Oh yeah… this day, Hank’s shirts still give me nightmares at night and here we are again. I’m back in this town where I’m going to have to see those god awful shirts all over because of you! So listen to me Bob-O. You go ahead and get as much rest as you think you’ll need because as soon as I fix you, you are going to have to listen to me bitch and complain until you’re begging me to leave, that much I promise you. And if there’s one thing you should know about me Dr. Hughes….I always keep my promises.”


Luke, Roth, and Noah were all sitting at the table together. They didn’t hang out very often. Roth couldn’t stand Noah. He was convinced that Noah was a bad influence and menace to society; something him and Luke’s mother agreed whole-heartedly on. And likewise, Noah couldn’t stand Roth. He was a preachy, goody two-shoes golden boy. So fucking perfect it made him want to gag. The only thing that they had in common was Luke. You could count the fact that they were both gay, although Noah was quick to doubt Roth as a gay male. What gay guy gets freaked out by their boyfriend’s tongue in their mouth? Didn’t he realize that eventually that same tongue, along with his own would grace cock, balls, and the holy grail of ass?  Noah shook his head to himself. Freak.

“So I was thinking about running for the Student Council,” Roth said excitedly.

‘Has he been talking this whole time?’ Noah wondered.

“That’s great Roth,” Luke said smiling. “Isn’t that great Noah?” Luke stared at Noah and pleaded with him to say something encouraging in response.

“Yeah,” Noah said trying to feign enthusiasm. “That’s great. It’s always smart not to put all of your eggs in one basket though,” he advised. “Are you going to go out for it Luke?”

Luke looked taken back. “No, why would I?”

Noah shrugged. “You’re pretty popular with different groups of people. You might actually have a chance of making it.”

Roth squeezed his coffee cup and shot Noah a death glare. Luke stuttered trying to defuse some of the tension. “I uh…I haven’t really thought about it. Maybe we could go out for it together?” he said to Roth smiling warmly.

“Maybe,” he said somewhat defeated. “Of course that does lessen my chances of getting on. I mean…..we’d be competing against each other.”

“Yeah, but think of how much fun we’d have if we both got in.”

“Like that’s gonna happen,” Noah muttered.

“I guess you’re right,” Roth sighed. “Plus we’d get to spend more time together.”

“Yeah,” Luke smiled.

Noah leaned back in his chair. He loved Luke, but being forced to bear witness to the most boring couple known to man was not his idea of fun; in the slightest. “Oh hey!” Noah said perking up. “Guess who I saw earlier?”


“An old friend.” Noah smiled smugly like he had found the golden ticket.

“Jeez Noah, don’t keep me in suspense here,” Luke said flatly.

“Do you remember that doctor? You know….the one who was helping you during your whole kidney thing?”

Luke fidgeted in his seat and ignored the feeling of his palms beginning to sweat. He swallowed a few times before clearing his throat. “Dr…Dr. Swan, you mean?”

“No,” Noah still smiled. “The other one. You remember him, right Luke? Young….hot.”

Luke and Noah both knew that he remembered exactly who he was talking about. Reid had often been discussed between the two of them. Despite things being initially weird with Noah having slept with Reid once before, it wasn’t long before Noah had heard of all of Reid and Luke’s time together. Despite Luke assuring him that he was over it, especially since dating Roth, Noah knew he was lying. Luke was an easy book to read and there was no way in hell that, that crush ever died. He could tell just by looking at Luke now, who was practically panting just thinking about being back in the doctor’s presence.

“Reid,” he said faintly. He cleared his throat again. “Dr. Oliver’s here? Where did you see him? Why?”

Noah smiled. Eager beaver Luke was so cute.

“I don’t know. I was just walking on my way here and I saw him headed into the hospital. I almost had to do a double take cause I couldn’t believe what I was seeing at first. But, it was definitely him.”

Luke’s hands shook as he reached for his coffee cup, almost knocking it over in the process. Thankfully Roth had caught it in time. “Whoa! You okay Luke?”

Luke nodded and stood up quickly while speaking fast and breathlessly. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just….I remembered, I was supposed to meet up with my dad today….at the farm. He needed help with some chores, so I should….I should go, but we’ll….I’ll call you later, right?”

“Okay, yeah,” Roth said slowly wondering what in the hell just got into his boyfriend. Luke darted for the door while Noah hid his grin behind his cup.


“You see this spot,” Reid said pointing to a darkened area on the scan.

“Yeah,” Dr. Swan replied.

“That’s the point of origin without a doubt, but there’s this little speck, riiigghhttt here.” He pointed to a dot that couldn’t have been more than just a pin point.

“Jesus,” Dr. Swan murmured. “How did you even see that? Are you sure it’s just not from the imaging?”

“No, there’s definitely something there.”

“You realize I’m going to have to have you consult with Dr. Henderson on this, don’t you?”

“Why?” Reid said frustrated. “He obviously didn’t catch it.”

“But he is the head of Neurology and I have to have someone in there watching you if you need to operate.” Reid huffed his annoyance. “You’re a resident Reid. And a young one at that. Despite being brilliant, you still need to have an attending in there with you.” Reid was about to open his mouth before Dr. Swan held up his hand to stop him. “And it can’t be me. I’m not a neurosurgeon. If something goes wrong, we have to make sure that one is in there with you. If we don’t, that just opens up the hospital to a whole bunch of legal matters that we don’t need.”

“Fine, but I’m telling you ahead of time. He’s going to need surgery; multiple ones. I need to know you’re behind that even if your attending disagrees.”

“I’ll support your diagnosis and treatment methods. Leave Dr. Henderson to me.”

Reid nodded and gestured with his hand to Dr. Swan. “This suits you, you know?”


“Being all authoritative. You make a good Chief-of-Staff.”

“Interim Chief-of-Staff,” he corrected. “I would much rather have mine back.”

“We’ll get ‘em there,” Reid assured.

“I’m counting on it.”

“So why did you call me?” he wondered.

“I’ve kept tabs on you. Both myself and Bob have actually. Despite your….arrogance, we knew of your potential. You’ve had some impressive surgeries. You’ve taken on some interesting cases.”

“A lot of which have failed,” Reid said bitterly.

“But have you learned from them?” Dr. Swan asked.


“Then not so much a failure then, were they? Look Dr. Oliver…you’re willing to at least attempt surgeries that other surgeons wouldn’t touch. You don’t care about the easy cases and your numbers. You care about trying to save anyone who’s presented to you. You have guts, something that a lot of doctor’s lack. People are talking and you’re only just beginning. Not to mention being the youngest doctor to have a case study published in the New England Journal of Medicine is quite the feat. We were all pretty proud of you around here. That’s why I asked you to come. Dr. Henderson didn’t really know what to do. He was convinced that all of our options had been exercised, but then I remembered that article and I knew that if anyone would have an idea of something to try, it would be you. Is there a reason you started studying strokes first?”

“Had to start somewhere,” Reid said simply.

“And what are you researching now?” he asked curiously.

“What makes you think I am?” Dr. Swan gave him an incredulous look so he sighed. “Damage to the optic nerve by way of head trauma.”

Dr. Swan looked at him bewildered before laughing like he couldn’t believe it. “You’re going to try and make the blind see? Is that even possible?”

“I’m not saying it’s going to work, but why not?”

“No, it’s……whatever you need while you’re here Dr. Oliver, don’t be afraid to ask.”

“Oh I won’t,” he said confidently.

“I’ll go talk to Henderson. In the meantime, take these files and drop them off at the nurse’s station.” He handed him a stack of Patient folders and Reid’s jaw dropped open. “You’re still a Resident,” he reminded him. “And try not to make any nurse’s cry while you’re here,” he called out as he walked down the hallway.

“Like that’ll happen,” Reid whispered to himself.


Luke could’ve sworn his heart was going to beat out of his chest the entire car ride to the hospital. He had no idea what he was doing. He didn’t mean to lie to Roth, but Reid was here. He just….had to see him for himself. It had been so long. Oh God. He felt like he was going to be sick. He kept trying to reassure himself. It would be okay. After all, they’d see each other, say a few pleasantries, maybe shake hands and that’d be it. Of course the question loomed in the back of Luke’s mind as to why Reid was there. Is he moving back? If Luke had to be honest with himself, he would’ve probably had said that he never expected to see Reid again, but that was all about to change. He roamed the halls in search of him. He couldn’t help but to wonder if he looked the same. It hadn’t been that long, but Luke liked to think he looked different. Of course Reid would just come back and say something snarky like it was because he finally hit puberty, but maybe Reid wouldn’t even remember him. No. Luke shook his head. Of course Reid would remember him. He stopped abruptly when he rounded the corner. Standing at the Nurse’s desk, there he was. Even more perfect and lovely than Luke could’ve ever imagined. Before he could step forward, he was met with intense blue eyes that widened in shock, but seemingly retracted back to normal almost instantly. Luke’s arms hung at his sides and his fists opened and closed repeatedly. He was stood frozen; rooted to the spot.


Reid continued to gaze at the younger man down the hall. He was taller and his hair was a little longer, but still golden blonde. He wore simple jeans and a button up shirt that Reid couldn’t help to notice stretched out across his shoulders. He had filled out a little. He didn’t miss the small smile from him, but he didn’t reciprocate it either. Instead he turned around and handed the file to the nurse sitting behind the desk. He then proceeded to walk slowly down the hall.


Luke could feel his breath begin to quicken again. At first he grew nervous. Reid had broken eye contact with him and didn’t seem to be phased that he was there, but then…..then he began walking towards him. Reid was coming. He expected him to stop, to say something……anything. What he didn’t expect was the forceful pull he received instead.


Reid grabbed him by his arm and pulled him into the door off to the side that said ‘Clean Linens’. The door was barely shut before Reid was pushing Luke up against a cart. He inhaled sharply before feeling Reid’s hands on both sides of his face. His right hand ran through his bangs, tucking them behind his ear as he had done once before. This time however, Reid didn’t ask if Luke wanted to be kissed. Instead he made the decision for him as he brought Luke’s lips towards his. He sucked Luke’s bottom lip in between his own. He began to move his right hand and trailed it down Luke’s side causing the younger man to squirm. He gasped and Reid took the opportunity to tilt their heads and deepen their kiss.

Oh. Oooh. Luke’s brain was on overload. He had never been kissed like this before. All insecurity and self doubt of his inexperience flew out the window as Reid began suckling on his tongue. The older man seemed to be enjoying himself, so who was he to stop it. Reid’s hand snaked under Luke’s shirt, gently brushing against the skin above his waistband. Luke moaned and brought his hands up around Reid’s neck, tugging him closer. Reid lifted Luke’s leg up a bit to where it was resting high up against Reid’s hip while he pushed him back against the cart to where he was practically sitting on it. They both groaned as their groins made contact from the movement. Luke’s mouth was warm and sweet. It tasted like a Caramel Latte and Reid wanted nothing more then to drink from it all day. It was the sound of voices outside the door that snapped him back to reality. He pulled away from Luke, eliciting a slight whine from him, not quite understanding what was happening. Reid rested his forehead against Luke’s and waited for him to open his eyes. Once he saw the deep pools of chocolate staring back at him, he kissed him one more time, not breaking eye contact. It seemed oddly intimate. He pulled back, then leaned forward again and whispered. “It’s nice to see you again Mr. Snyder.” Chills went down Luke’s spine, having it been so long since he had heard that deep, husky voice. Reid kissed Luke on the cheek and then planted one more against his jaw. He stepped back and smirked before turning around and leaving the small closet. Luke stood there staring at the closed door with his mouth hung open. He brought his hand up and touched his lips, which were still tingling profusely. He exhaled a laugh before clutching at his chest. Oh my God.

Notes: Ages: Luke is 17, Reid just turned 27, and Noah is 19. Luke is about to start his Junior year of High School. When Reid left town, it was on Luke's 16th birthday, so he's been gone for about 15 months. It's August of 2007 currently. Also, as I mentioned in a past note of 'Intern', Noah has been in Oakdale for awhile. He was never raised by Colonel Mayer, but his whore of a mother (Again, that's her profession, I'm not being mean). The song Luke was listening to was 'Keep the Car Running' by Arcade Fire. The album was also released that year.

*****Special thanks to Lisa slayerkitty  and Crystal cas74 for providing amazing support as always. Hopefully I'll have more for you girls soon! ;)

fic: resident

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