Fellowship (5 of 5)

May 05, 2011 17:57

*Sooo....no one guessed correctly on what causes Reid to go back to Oakdale, but all will be revealed in the next series titled 'Resident'. I'm hoping to have the first chapter uploaded next Friday. The chapters in that series will be longer than those of Fellowship and Intern and will probably take me longer to write. Plus, Always Attract (which will be updated tomorrow) is top priority so if for whatever reason I have to choose between finishing one chapter over the other, that will come first. Anywho, I hope everyone enjoys the last part. I have Resident planned out in my head and I think it'll be a lot of fun to write, so can't wait! :)

After Adam finished the case he was working on and left town, things returned to normal for Reid; well, to as much as normal as they could be. He was still having to fend off Channing’s unwanted advances, but it was getting slightly easier. A new batch of interns had just arrived, so Reid was hoping it would keep Channing out of his orbit for awhile while he stalked his new young prey.

Meanwhile, Reid’s star in the neurology field continued to grow. He was becoming known to defy his attending during surgeries and also volunteer to do surgeries that others would never even touch. They didn’t always work out. In fact, often times the patient died, but he continued to learn from each one and before long he was getting recognized for saving people that others didn’t believe could be saved.

That’s how he found himself in the current room, where the distinct sound of popping filtered through the air.

“So then I said, ‘What are you an idiot? Of course I’m the best. I’m a genius!’”

Soft giggles filled the room, followed by another ‘pop’.

“Then what happened Dr. Reid?”

“Well then he just turned around and marched down the hallway.”

“You shouldn’t hurt people’s feelings,” she scolded while trying and failing to hide her amusement at the doctor in front of her.


“Well he is an idiot,” Reid murmured. “I win!” he said excitedly.

She crossed her arms and pouted looking down at the Trouble board game. “You always win.”

He tapped her nose and grinned. “Genius, remember?”

She rolled her eyes. “Will you hand me that?” she asked pointing to the side table. He picked up the life size head and handed it to her. “Brush too please.”

She had, had the toy for a few days now. It was one of those big Barbie head things with no body. Apparently girls liked them because their sole purpose was for you to play hairdresser and you could choose to do whatever you want with it. She practically squealed with delight when it was given to her. Her own hair had fallen out shortly after she had started chemo about six months earlier. The night before Reid had watched from her hospital room window as she ran her tiny hand soothingly through the Barbie’s hair as he was sure her own mother had done to her before her illness.

“What’s Barbie’s hair going to look like today?” Reid asked.

“I think she’s going to wear a pony.”

“Well that’ll look cute,” Reid said seriously.

She giggled.

“What?” he smiled.

“You said cute.”

Reid scrunched up his face looking displeased. “Point taken little one. Alright…” he got up and threw his lab coat back on. “I have to go. I’ll be back later though, okay?”

She nodded, but didn’t look up. Reid had just opened the door and was beginning to walk out when her voice stopped him.

“Dr. Reid?”

“Yes,” he said turning around.

“Thanks again for my present.” She smiled as she started brushing the hair of the doll again. He tilted his head in what one could describe as a shy smile and he said so softly that only she could hear.

“You’re welcome Annie.”


Seeing an Oakdale area code on his phone was about the last thing he had expected at the end of the day. As soon as he saw the three numbers (618), his heart inadvertently fluttered a bit. He pushed away that feeling pretty quickly as it wasn’t Luke’s phone number….or Katie’s for that matter. Although, Luke’s number could’ve changed since then. Reid shook his head. He was being ridiculous. He cleared his throat and accepted the call, bringing it to his ear.


As soon as Reid heard Dr. Swan’s voice re-introduce himself, his blood grew cold. He sat down slowly on his bed, listening to Dr. Swan talk. “Is he okay?” Reid asked as his voice cracked..

“No, I understand. So why are you calling me?”




“I can’t just pick up and leave. I have patients……..”

Reid bit his lip and continued to listen. He ran his hand through his hair, lightly pulling on his locks while doing so.

“Okay…..I’ll need to figure things out here first, but……I’ll be there as soon as I can. Just…..keep me updated on his condition.”


Reid nodded to himself. “I will. Bye.”

fic: fellowship

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