Cupid's Chokehold (AA verse)

May 02, 2011 17:48

*Author's Note: This chapter takes place between Chapters 68 and 69. It's the in between of what happened with Matt and Casey for everyone who was wondering. If you'll recall it was also Valentine's Day, hence the title.

**I was talking to slayerkitty the other night and realized that I haven't written anything porn-y in a very long time. The last time I did it was for our fic Oaktail, but for a fic of my own, 'Intern' didn't have any and the last time there was porn in 'Always Attract' was back in like....Chapter 46 or something, so I'm very, very rusty. My bad. And for those that were wondering, I'm hoping to have a new chapter out within the next couple of days. Thank you all for letting me get through the last week at work. I'm hoping I'll get some writing done this week though and we can get the ball rolling for Luke and Reid!

Casey let a moan escape as Matt shifted beneath him. He was currently still straddling him on the living room couch. Hot kisses had eventually turned into some not-so-innocent grinding and Matt’s hands, which had been resting on the back of Casey’s thighs had somehow found their way to his ass. Casey broke the kiss and rested his forehead against Matt’s, both of them panting while trying to catch their breath. Casey, himself shifted a bit and ran his fingers through the hair at the nape of Matt’s neck. He let his fingers drift upwards and tugged, bringing his mouth back to the other man’s lips. When Casey was satisfied with that kiss, he broke away again and ran his thumb soothingly over the hollow of Matt’s throat.

“I………I don’t…….” He was having difficulty breathing and for some reason his words kept escaping him. Matt snaked his fingers under the front of Casey’s shirt. He shivered as he felt them lightly dance over his skin.

“We can stop,” Matt comforted. “We can do anything you want to do.”

“I don’t…….” Casey took a deep breath and licked his lips. “I don’t know if I want to stop. I just don’t know.”

Matt ran his hand over Casey’s cheek and pulled him down to where his head was resting against Matt’s neck. He held him still on his lap. “We can just sit here for awhile. It’s okay.”

Casey grabbed at the bottom of Matt’s shirt and fisted it in his hand. “This feels weird,” he murmured. He slightly shook as Matt laughed.

“Me holding you like this?”

Casey hesitated. “Well…..all of it, but yeah. This,” he said in reference to their current seating arrangement. “….I feel like a girl.”

“Just because I’m holding you like this doesn’t mean you’re a girl Casey. It doesn’t work like that. Neither one of us has to be the “girl” in this…” He was going to say relationship, but frankly he had no clue as to what this was, so he just left it at that. “We’re both guys.”

“I don’t know how to do this,” he said seriously. “I’ve never…...”

“I know,” Matt said brushing his fingertips on the side of Casey’s head. “Tell me what you’re not ready for.”

Casey sat up a little bit and turned towards Matt so they could look at each other clearly. “I’m not ready for….ehm….for….for you to…” Matt nodded, understanding what Casey was trying to say.

“Okay,” he said softly, “now tell me what you are ready for.”

Casey leaned forward and cupped Matt’s cheek, quickly brushing their lips together. He got up off the couch, sliding his hand down Matt’s arm and gripping the other’s hand around his own. He pulled him up and led him to his bedroom door before turning around and leaning his back against it. Matt came up close and rested the pads of his fingers against the side of Casey’s head. “You sure?” he whispered. Casey barely nodded his head yes before Matt crashed his lips back down.


Busting through the door, hands groped and cupped and felt. They tumbled to the bed with Casey landing on top of Matt. “Off,” he murmured while pulling at Matt’s shirt. Once the item was discarded, Casey sat back on his calves and stared at the man below him. He had never been in this position before. Trying to push away his nerves, he reached down to undo Matt’s jeans. He stopped when he noticed a thin scar starting along Matt’s side. He slightly turned him and followed the direction of his scar to his back. “What is this?” Casey asked trailing his fingers along the scar. Matt shivered and cleared his throat.

“I had surgery…a few months ago.”

“For what?” he frowned.

“I donated a kidney.” Matt was breathing heavily, waiting for Casey’s response.

“Oh. Luke um….” He hesitated, “I thought it…..Luke had one sort of similar. Yours is different though.”

“Hey,” Matt said softly. “We can….”

“If you say stop,” Casey chuckled lightly. “I don’t want to stop.” He grabbed onto Matt’s hand that had found his and removed it, bringing it up over his head and pinning him below. He bent down and laid a gentle kiss to his lips. “Just tell me what to do.”

“You’ve never uh…had anal sex at all before? With any girl?”

Casey looked down and blushed. “No,” he shook his head. “Recently my hook ups have been just that; quick and requiring um…little….preparation,” he mumbled. “And Mattie, I never even broached the subject with, Emily commented about how once was enough for her in her lifetime and Alison….surprisingly that’s about the only thing she won’t do.”

Matt ran his hand up Casey’s side and leaned forward until they were practically sitting with Casey still straddling his lap. He tugged on the bottom of Casey’s shirt, gave him a sly smile, and then proceeded to lift it up over his head.


After the initial preparation that left Matt writhing and Casey feeling extremely confident having reduced someone to that just by his fingers alone, he breached Matt’s entrance with his cock, while stilling himself from the overwhelming tightness.

“Jesus,” Casey murmured.

His heart was practically beating out of his chest and he was willing himself to try and calm down. He could feel Matt clenching and unclenching around him and forced himself to look down, which was a big mistake. The depth of Matt’s green eyes had the opposite effect he was going for and instead of his heart decreasing its thumping, it sped up even more erratically. “You okay?” he asked. If he felt this out of control, he could only imagine what Matt was feeling in that moment.

“Yeah….I just….” Matt licked his lips, his mouth feeling suddenly dry. “It’s just been awhile.” He gripped Casey’s hip hard. “I need you to move though.”

Casey nodded and started to thrust shallowly as he held himself up by his trembling arms. He was panting hard and he could feel Matt moving beneath him, but to everything else he was lost in the moment. He had never felt anything quite like what he was feeling in that very instant. It wasn’t until he felt a hand on his neck and then a pair of lips meeting his own that he was brought back to reality. After tasting Matt’s tongue for a little while longer, he broke away and trailed his lips down the other man’s jaw and neck, breathing in the scent of sweat, sex, and something that was distinctly Matt. It was new, but familiar. It was man and terrifyingly scary, yet somehow comforting. Whether it was because of the man it was coming from, he didn’t quite know, but he could guess that it was.

“Case,” Matt moaned.

Casey pinned Matt’s hands above his head, intertwining their fingers was once again. He leaned down and passionately kissed him. “Touch me,” Matt whispered.

Casey unhooked their fingers on one side and trailed his right hand down until it came in contact with Matt’s pulsating cock. He wrapped his hand around it and began pumping while continuing to thrust deeper and deeper. He felt Matt tense below him and warm liquid cover his hand. The tightening around his cock caused his own orgasm to rip through him. He collapsed down to the bed where he wound up laying halfway on Matt and half on the mattress. He could feel Matt’s fingers run smoothly through his hair. The only sound in the room was his own breath as he tried to catch it.

“Do you want me to go?” Matt asked softly.

Casey pried his eyes open and reached up to his forehead to push back the sweaty hair matted to it. He played with a loose thread on the pillowcase below him while he thought about his answer. “No. I want you to stay I think.”

“You sure?” Matt said, searching for any hesitation.

“Yeah, but can we not talk about it yet?” he inquired.

Matt turned his hand and ran the back of his finger down Casey’s cheek. “Sleep sounds good right about now,” he said nonchalantly.

Casey gratefully smiled before pulling up the sheet to cover the both of them. He shifted around for a moment before finding a comfortable resting position on his side. There was still some slight space between them, that is until Casey’s hand made contact with Matt’s. They didn’t hold on to each other or hold hands like before though. They simply just let their hands rest against each other, enjoying the warmth of the other man. “Goodnight Matt,” he said in the darkness.

“Night Case.”

fic: always attract

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