
Feb 21, 2007 16:51

I laserated my head open today... blood dripped down my forehead and all over me. it was pretty amazing considering it didn't hurt that much. was working on one of my metal band saws at work and the carriage door had swung back over my head and when i stood up i jammed the sharp steel corner into my scalp. puncturing my redsox hat... rubbed my head, said (fuck!) didn't think much of it, went back to work, finished changing the saw blade... put the machine back together.. say five minutes since i had actually hit my head... walked away to go to lunch... noticed a red spot on my shoulder... looked at it. from blood dripping off my ear, said (oh shit!) aparently it numbed me pretty good cause the blood had saturated half of my hat without me noticing. saturated my hair (right side anyway) and dripped down my face. the pain from the wound must have distracted the other nerves in my head. didn't feel the warm blood running down the side of my face.... crazyness. of course i noticed the blood at about the same time a couple of other guys did. they thought i cut my ear off or something.. i had to be escorted to the dispensery in case i lost consciousness (OSHA protocal for head injuries) kinda funny actually cause the cut isn't that impressive, just that the sculp is very "vascular" and full of capilaries... hence the masacre like blood bath i endured. nonetheless, i'm all better.. slight head ache and i wore a bandage for awhile... no stiches.. made for and interesting afternoon at work.... last time i offer to change a saw blade for someone else. beginning to nice is starting to hurt in more ways than one.

funniest part about today.... i was wearing my Red Cross "blood donor" shirt.. fuckin donated blood all over myself. I swear it was a slap in the face for something... maybe grandma getting back at me from the grave for masturbating... makes sence to me

-thats all folks
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