Questions Meme

Aug 11, 2010 15:02

1. Next to each number, write only the name of the person who fits.
2. Answer one question with one name
3. Don't tell the questions to anyone who isn't doing the meme.

1. alta13, xshun_vidoll & rental_daughter
2. siiaaaan
3. All
4. alta13 & psychotachi
5. alta13
6. siiaaaan, kataomi & applerain622
7. applerain622, nihonchique & prisps
8. kataomi & applerain622
9. Any / all ^_^
10. Hmm all
11. xshun_vidoll
12. All
13. nihonchique
14. arifuretakotoba, applerain622 & alta13
15. Any
16. nihonchique & prisps
17. Any one younger, I guess?
18. arifuretakotoba & applerain622
19. All
20. All
21. psychotachi, xshun_vidoll & prisps
22. kataomi, arifuretakotoba & rental_daughter
23. None
24. siiaaaan
25. I don’t know…
26. None.
27. kataomi & xshun_vidoll
28. kataomi, nihonchique & alta13
29. ..none…
30. A message to all the above people

How you all doing? :)

I cheated a little lot, some how I couldnt narrow alot of choices down to just one :)

--- Stitch xxx

other: meme

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