glorious monotony

Nov 29, 2004 22:39

I am done with my two ap us history papers, done with my theo journals (well 4 of them if hopefully thats all we need), i slept in today cuz no school, the packers are winning, and b/c of all is good. now i can do nothing w/o stress...usually its considered procrastination, but at the moment, i have nothing to procrastinate. so this is new...

anyways, i decided to do a survey from jake's profile:

First best friend: Jamie something
First screen name: SeaQT22 (haha)
First self purchased CD: uk, it very possibly could have been rooney, tho maybe destinie's child
First pets: a fish
First piercing/tattoo: ears

Last cigarette: never had one...kinda proud
Last car ride: home from HOP
Last good cry: mm, like a month ago
Last library book checked out: i forget, i check out so many, but it was awhile ago
Last kiss: haha, ooh, that was good
Last crush: last, or current?
Last phone call: the illustrious beth mueller
Last time showered: This morning, wait, cross that, this AFTERNOON (after i woke up..muhaha)
Last shoes worn: my pink piggie slippers (thanks ams!)
Last song played: steve's last night in town ~ ben folds five
Last annoyance: the lil bro
Last shirt worn: my CHICKS WITH STICKS Ds fieldhockey shirt! (represent!)
Last website visited: livejournal..hence, i'm here...
Last word/s you said: except tamora easter who later revealed to him her innermost secrets..
Last song you sang: that one, but b4 that...She's Always a Woman to Me by billy joel
What color of underwear are you wearing? grey and pink
What's under your bed?: clothes, my nalgene, some dusty stuff
What time did you wake up today?: 11:45

Where do you want to go? Europe, AUSTRALIA (the south pacific), Hawaii
What is your career going to be? a world renown chef (someday!)
Where are you going to live? someplace i love
How many kids do you want? 2 to 4
What kind of car(s): an audi TT convertible

Current mood: awake, satisfied
Current music: golden slumbers * ben folds (go I AM SAM soundtrack! and itunes!)
Current taste: POPCORN
Current hair: damp shower hair...curly
Current clothes: old sweatshirt, xlarge comfy pants, slippers
Current annoyance(s): blinkin im button
Current book: don't have time to read one cuz school it'd have to be the bible, lol

(x) - you've done
(_) - you haven't done

(_) been drunk
() been high
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex
(x) kissed a member of the same sex (not made out)
(_) crashed a friend's car
(_) been to Japan
(x) ridden in a taxi
(x) been dumped
(_) been in a fist fight
() snuck out of my parent's house
(x) ever dated someone of the opposite sex
(_) ever dated someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
(_) been arrested
(_) made out with a stranger
(x) stole something from my job
(_) celebrated new years in time square
() gone on a blind date
(_) had a crush on a teacher
(_) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
(_) been to Europe
() skipped school
() cut myself on purpose
(_) been married
(_) gotten divorced
(_) had children
(_) seen someone die
(_) been to Africa
(x) Punched a friend when playing around
() Been to Canada
(_) Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane
(x) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
(_) Thrown up in a bar
(_) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
(x) Eaten Sushi
(_) Been Snowboarding
(x) Met someone in person from the internet
(x) Been moshing at a concert
(x) been in an abusive relationship. ~~a lil
(_) been pregnant or got someone pregnant
(_) lost a child
(_) gone to college
(x) taken painkillers
(x) love someone or miss someone right now

1. Nervous Habits? biting lip
2. Are you double jointed? my jaw
3. Can you roll your tongue? yep!
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? only one
5. Can you blow spit bubble? Yea haha, but not one that can float away
6. Can you cross your eyes? mhmm
7. Tattoos? no but maybe lata
8. Piercings and where? soon!

10. Which shoe goes on first? don't care
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? um YEA...
12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? constantly broke, but...11?
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? nothing 24/7
14. Favorite piece of clothing? my comfy marquette sweatpants

15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl..waay more fun
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? eww no
17. Favorite ice cream flavor? peanut butter
19. Ideal bagel? oo big apple cinnamon suga with that kinda cream cheese...yum!
20. How many cereals in your cabinet? a zillion (none good)

gee jake, thanks, that was time consuming
anyways, thanksgiving was a wonderful break, gotta love the fam..and the upper peninsula. and the facade that goes with it. anyways, i'm out for now, nothing much to say.

night all!
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