Things I dislike:
- sun coming in my office window making it virtually impossible to use my computer before 1pm (though blinds are on order)
- general office "brightness" (though blinds are etc.)
- the elevators talk ("going up!" "going down!" "third floor!" FU)
- small office bookshelves
- flaky internet connection (was difficult to get a connection, though once I did it seems to work fine)
- no air conditioning (it's a "green" building that supposedly doesn't need AC, though it's gotten over 80F in my office on hot days)
- if I open the window and door to cool it off, the door can randomly slam shut very loudly if not propped open with an unused 3-ring binder door stop
- further from the bus stop (though not too far, and not nearly enough to convince me to pay $93/month for a parking permit)
- our research group is now split between two buildings, so I don't see my office friends (which comprise virtually all of my non-internet friends) nearly as much
- no more daily "coffee hour" social at 10:30am with research group
- I know relatively few people, and the atmosphere feels less open and friendly (significant but not overwhelming social anxiety trigger)
- Acoustically annoying high ceiling and reverberative walls making things echo-y. [01/02/09]
Things that are different but about which I have little or no opinion:
- lights turn on automatically when you walk down a hallway or enter a room (kind of neat and Bill Gates-y, but pointless--is flipping on and off a switch such a strain?)
- unisex bathrooms (though people have covered up the signs with "mens" and "womens" signs, which I dislike since it effectively halves the number of usable toilets)
Things I like:
- carpeted hallways
- the building is largely empty (though that may change in time)
- nice view of the mountains to the west from the lobby windows
- being able to see outdoors from my office (when it's not sunny, and despite a less-than-spectacular view)
- the building looks cool from the outside