Happy Christmas and the reasons why I didn't post until this month

Dec 25, 2012 22:56

Right. First things first: happy christmas! Hope you've had a lovely time with your love ones. Christmas on this side of the world is the same, except that turkey served in a hotel buffet for Christmas day is double the price you'd pay back home. Me, I had Korean BBQ, did some last minute shopping for a party, dyed my hair, and procrastinated working on some mins of meeting I was stuck with. But in my defense, who would do work on Christmas day?

Ok, and now the deep stuff. I am not even understating things when I say I've been busy with work. For the past 2 years my schedule has been:
8:00 - 20:00 Work
21:00 - 23:45 Eat dinner/veg out
23:45 - 07:15 Sleep

Even now I'd sometimes miss dinner because I'm too tired. It used to be worse when my commute was 1 1/2 hrs each way, but I've moved closer to work and now it's 40 mins. This shitty life ain't gonna end anytime soon, since I've been officially "recognised" by my bosses. I work in a big org now, and my goal is to leave domestic operations and move into international. Anyway, what this means is: what little time I have left to myself is so precious that I squander it by vegging out.

Vegging out also means I don't post so much in my previous fandom cos a lot of that infighting, navel gazing bullshit was getting right on my tits. Somehow, it didn't matter what dumbass move the comic industry was going to pull (Gay! Alan Scott was a fine example) and I couldn't muster the energy to care about the characters anymore. Yeh, I was done.

It's been a blessing too, because I was more than ready to tumble back to my first love: manga. I'm sure I'm not the first salaryman/woman to chill out with a good manga after work. I also did a bit of QC-ing for a group too, which was fun but exhausting. It's a pain not having a PC or laptop, but thanks to kindle and LJ I can purchase or download something to read anywhere I am.

So, that's where I've been. In a space where there is mostly work, and the rest is manga. I know, that does sound pathetic. For now, that's how it is. And 2 years without writing anything has left me kinda rusty. You know that feeling when you're standing next to a group of schoolgirls and everything that comes out of their mouth is a mystery? I'm hoping a post a week is going let me feel as if I can understand about 40% of those girls.

real life, rant

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