People never change

Dec 18, 2012 23:56

Folks round here like to say, "People never change". One, this is a self-fulfiling prophecy if there ever is one. Two, it's used to defend and cover up the excesses of the offender. All too often a person who ought to get a bollocking for his idiocy escapes because don't you know, people never change.

But people do change. I certainly have, spending nearly 3 years outside of the States, cast adrift in the big blue world outside and feeling smaller each time I look back.

I feel a jolt of nausea and homesickness when reading the news. Was America always this seemingly violent? Why would someone do such a thing? Did no one learn from the last time?

I was originally shocked this is not big news here. I want to grab someone and shout, these young children died and this is terrible, this is sick, but the only thing that manage s out of my mouth is I want to go home. People are just much more honest here, this is not front page material because they don't care. Life is too short, work is killing people to death, wages are low, and the cost of living is greatly rising. There are loads more to worry about than some place far, far away and with Americans, for god's sake.It's almost like the US is a mythical place where things happen on tv and those kinds of tragedies will never happen here.

And the fact that I understand why people have such views makes me even more anxious. What if, the next time I look over my shoulder I can no longer see what binds me to the country? Would I also cease to care?

real life

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