Jul 14, 2005 21:41
well..today was uneventful for the most part.
then phil and i went out for ice cream. it's always interesting when we go out in public together. for starters, i went in HUGE soccer shorts, the most obnoxious colored sweatshirt i could find (might as well have been neon pink) and some white visor hat thing that was my sisters. obviously it all matched, otherwise i'd go insane. but anyways. we went into tredwells listening to loud static screaming "I LOVE THIS SONG!" and my arms were up in the air like i was on a rollercoaster. then leaving i threw the garbage out because i was nice, and phil started to drive away, so i ran and superman dove (dived?) into his car and landed on his swim bag. ah it hurt! then i jumped in the front seat. oh my god, everyone there was staring. it was freakin hillarious, we drove off hysterically laughing.
i love my friends :)