so. today was my first day back at soccer. it was really great to see silva and marissa again. i love that team. my goalie coach is cool, his name is brandon..and he has a lisp. i don't know why, i just find that wicked funny. and the field player trainer connor is kinda hot, but kinda an asshole. but whatever. i totally dominated in this one "game"..i just got wicked tired after like 5 minutes. i definatly hold the new record.
at practice there were kids sitting in the middle of the field. like seriously? we're not there to sit while listening to instructions and watch demos. who knows, it just seems like common courtesy to be attentive...but hey maybe it's just me. so basically i kept yelling at people to STAND UP. but see i can do that, because i'm a senior and they're not.
so soccer was ok i guess. but when i got home, kito was being taken away by my sisters boyfriend to be taken to worcester for a couple of days. yeah wicked cool considering he's my dog too. faggots. now i'm wicked lonely :(
bahhhh someone make my summer a little better. hang out?
oh who am i kidding..