What Book Are You? One with a rabbit on the cover....XD

Mar 27, 2008 10:02

You're Watership Down!

by Richard Adams

Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're
actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their
assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they
build their houses. You might be one of the greatest people of all time. You'd
be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

XD Never read this book (though it was a choice for a summer reading book one year but I didn't choose it) but the description does sound kind of like me (although i feel a bit conceited saying that). Only replace "rabbits" with Disney or children's books/TV/movies or any one of my other obsessions...XD I want to read the book now. Maybe then I'll have a better idea!

More serious post probably later. I'm just tired and in class right now, but happened to see this meme on
poppyfields13     's LJ and was too tempted not to take&post it!

The "Train" Quiz...XD My brother loves trains, so I'll have to ask him about this answer...

You're the Flying Scotsman!
Old and esteemed, you tend to get steamed up quite frequently. This happens to be what most people want to see in you, however, so they don't mind the torrents of steam that you blow off. Despite your advanced age, you still manage to attract a lot of admirers, though you're not quite as fast as you once were. Though people strangely associate you with airplanes, you actually refuse to fly.
Take the Trains and Railroads Quiz at RMI Miniature Railroads.

XDXDXD My first reaction to this "you tend to get steamed up quite frequently. This happens to be what people most want to see in you" is that I do write best when I'm angry (as I think

hannah_sheree   pointed out once too, when I write angsty things when I'm mad it always comes out well). I don't think I'm that old though...i'm only 18...maybe I act like an old person though? XD And the "you actually refuse to fly" part makes me laugh despite the fact I don't completely understand what it means.

You're a Tortoise!
Wise and somewhat weary, you will likely live to an older age than anyone you know. You have the weight of the world on your shoulders, or at least your back, and you find it hard to see around these vast concerns. Nevertheless, you take it all in stride and hide from problems less than others might think. Slow and steady wins the race, if only by outliving the competition.
Take the Animal Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.
"You will likely live to an older age than anyone you know"....what a happy thought! Weird though, because I've always had this feeling that I would die rather young (depressing? yes, yes it is...) but maybe not then! :D But yes, I do tend to worry about big problems a lot....even ones that don't directly effect me or anything. But this seems to be a rather positive take on it!

You're Canada!
People make fun of you a lot, but they're stupid because you've got a much better life than they do.  In fact, they're probably just jealous.  You believe in crazy things like human rights and health care and not dying in the streets, and you end up securing these rights for yourself and others.  If it weren't for your weird affection for ice hockey, you'd be the perfect person.
Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid
XDXD!! I'm an American and I got Canada. I find this hilarious. I don't care for ice hockey either, but this sounds like a pretty nice result to get! So for at the moment at least, yay Canada! They seem smarter than my own country at the moment anyway. XD

Your Score: Gust
~ 55% Water ~ 81% Wind ~ 55% Earth ~ 55% Fire ~

I want to live where the sky is big

Simple and free...

Let�s see... your personality reminds me of the...

...cool Sapphire, the non-red corundum, or its little brother, the Blue Topaz. Your colours are azure, indigo, and a bright yellow or gold.


Out of the seven chakras, the Throat Chakra, which is associated with the element of wind and represents our desire to learn and communicate, seems to be predominant in you. Though this means you are probably the smartest one among your friends, it may result in feeling stressed or nervous or becoming too much of a perfectionist.

You can balance it by wearing a Rose Quartz; its soothing attributes help unwind, enable you to "love thyself", and accept limitations.

A Tarot references concerning your predominant element:

If you are a young lass or lad and still unmarried your card is the Page of Swords. Young women, especially married ones, identify with the Queen of Swords, also known as the Queen of Spades. If you are a young, unmarried man, you are the Knight of Swords, and married or �mature� males are identified with the King of Sword, commonly known as the King of Spades. Ladies and gentlemen, here is your intelligent man you�ve been looking for.

These are the results you will get if you score highly on...

None of the four elements: Balance Wind: Gust Fire: Blaze Water: River Earth: Valley Wind & Fire: Thunder Wind & Water: Clouds Wind & Earth: Canyon Fire & Earth: Lava Fire & Water: Tornado Water & Earth: Trees Wind, Fire & Earth: Storm Wind, Fire & Water: Stars Wind, Water & Earth: Forest Fire, Water & Earth: Avalanche All four elements: Harmony

Link: The Elemental Balance Test written by Nitsuki on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test
View My Profile(Nitsuki)

Love elemental quizzes, and yay wind! :) That is the element I typically identify with and enjoy the most, although most of my astrology associates me with Earth (which is okay, though a bit boring...XD).

meme, little brother, books

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