Two new (or rather, old for me since they were written before but new for pretty much everyone here!) entries posted in
createxpression! A bit more on the lighter side, because I really want to keep this community alive and going! (For those who missed the entry, createxpression is a livejournal community dedicated to posting original stories/poems/prose/scripts/etc in order to receive constructive criticism from serious writers in order to improve people's skill and ability as writers. It's members-only and plagiarism is obviously strictly prohibited. Even if you don't write stories and just want to read and give criticism, you're welcome to join. Check it out! ;D).
Papa's Chair-- (2 pages, Originally written August 2005)
Written and Copyright to Megan TF Butler (
Dedication: Vincent Butler, my grandfather
Prompt: A chair
Summary: Biographical piece about my late grandfather and the men in my family.
This was the story that I had to write in order to be able to get into
Long Island's High School for the Arts Writing Department. After showing the teacher some of my past work, I had to write something right there on the spot as well. The only prompt he had given me was "a chair". I don't think it took more than half an hour, probably just fifteen minutes to write this (although this particular version is of course spell-checked and edited and all that jazz). My grandfather had died two or three years before, and he was my main inspiration for this (although I promise it isn't depressing or anything!).
( They say that there are traits that run in a family. My family has an odd habit--all the men love chairs... )
((Also, technically that's a lie at the end....the chair is no longer there anymore, though it was at the time of writing this! I swear! XD))
Afraid-- (1 page, Originally written January 2007)
Written and Copyright to Megan TF Butler (
stillthere4me )
This is based on an acutal expierience of mine that occured several years ago, on my I believe second visit to Ireland where I met several of my relatives. I wrote it after my witing teacher had mentioned all my writing had been primiarily written about the "emotional" or "mental" style, and I never really wrote about the physical senses as much as I could. So this was me trying to focus on the physical. XD
( Despite the weight seeming to grow as the minutes passed, I felt like I had the strongest arms in the world... )
Also, once again happy birthday to
coloursofsouls!! ;)
Another update: *points to sidebar* My
list of original writing (still pretty incomplete but I'm working on it) that I have on my computer or within my vicinity that i may be posting in createxpressions if anyone's interested. Some summaries there as well. A bunch of them still need touch-ups and editing, but they're there if anyone's interested or wants to know what else I've written. XD
Finally--anyone have any idea for a month/week prompt for the writing community? I'm currently brainstorming, but I'd appriciate any and all ideas! :)