Fall Break

Oct 13, 2008 10:06

Only five more days of work!!! Then two whole weeks off to just do nothing...... yeah right. I start class, have plans with D, lunch with some friends here, a yarn date with Peggy, get a perm, and I'm trying to convince Matt to take a day off to play hooky with me. But still I won't have to get up early unless I want to and I can stay up super late working on my knitting. I've got several things to work on.

In other news, Matt and I bought a new desktop for me yesterday. Came with speakers, monitor, printer, keyboard/mouse, and it has 1GB memory with 160 GB hard drive. I set it all up last night, but haven't turned it on yet. I spent a lot of time cleaning up the guest bedroom to be usable so I didn't have time last night. The plan is to dump all of my pics and music and junk programs onto the desktop and use my laptop just for work/school. I just don't have the space on the laptop to do everything. So when we found one for a great deal, we went ahead and bought it.

Now if only I could get a full night's sleep. The cat tried to hairball my hair at 4:30 and in the process of getting him to the floor, I jammed my thumbnail on the wall. So that hurts. Got everything cleaned up, went back to bed only hear him chewing on the sticky plastic wrapping for the new printer. I didn't have time to take it off last night so I just kicked him out of the guest room and shut the door. Of course that pissed him off so he sat at the door and whine for an hour or so. So neither one of us got much sleep after that and consequently we were both running late this morning. And my thumb still hurts..... :-(

But back to work. We're building instruments in my class today/this week. My dad and I spent several hours (too much time!) this weekend working on the different parts to these instruments.
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