Grad school

Oct 09, 2008 09:41

So I am going back to school. I am starting a 14-month program to complete my teacher certification. That starts in June of 2009. Once I finish that, I will be 12 credits short of my Masters in Education. So obviously, I will be finishing that as well. I'm actually starting a class at the end of October towards my Masters. This way I will only have 10 credits left following my certification program. I'm super excited. I also feel like I am at least half a step ahead of the game. One of the prerequisites of this program is that you will be employed teaching your field by the fall of 2009. So three months after the program starts. I am already teaching in my field, and by the time anyone comes in to observe me, I will have been teaching music for over a year. And I've pretty much done nothing but teach since I graduated from college. Some of the people at the meeting last night have been working in the corporate world for many many years and are now leaving it to teach their subject area. Talk about an adjustment!!! So I'm feeling good about the program. I think I will do well in it. I'm a little nervous about the spending all that time driving since I'm going back to Carthage, but other than the summer weeks, it will only be once or twice a week. So completely manageable.

I'm not sure I actually posted about my new job. I started the second week of September teaching music at an MPS charter school. Right now I have one music appreciation class and one study hall (we're on block scheduling) for the high school, but starting the beginning of November, I will be teaching general music to the elementary school kids as well.

Matt and I moved at the end of July; not sure if I mentioned that on here. I've been a pretty crummy updater lately. Sorry. Just been busy.... we all know how that goes.

EDIT: Okay so some of this stuff I already posted about. Oh well.
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