not that i really care about janet jackson's boob,

Feb 06, 2004 17:36

but, I do like what Jim Wallis wrote about the incident:

"... After substantial public outcry, CBS and MTV issued unconvincing apologies about how surprised they were at Janet's bare bust (in this first public revelation of the Jackson family values), while young Timberlake tried to blame the whole thing on a "wardrobe malfunction." Two days later, Jackson admitted the stunt had been planned, saying: "The decision to have a costume reveal...was made after final rehearsals."

You want to know why people join the Religious Right? It may have less to do with wanting to take over the country than being desperate to protect their kids from the crass trash and degrading banality that media conglomerates like Viacom (which owns both CBS and MTV) seem to think is just fine family entertainment for Super Bowl night. Fortunately, my kids were in bed before the halftime show, but next year we may just go with Mary Poppins in the other room.

Some people think that only right-wing conservatives care about such moral pollution. Wrong. Most parents I know, liberal or conservative, care a great deal about it, as do most self-respecting women and men. It defies stereotypes to suggest that a healthy moral consistency applies to personal and sexual ethics as well as to social and political values. It's time to break out of those old ideological shibboleths and forge a unified front against the amoral corporate greed that violates all our ethics - personal and social - creating a system that sells beer and breasts in the same advertising plans just to make a buck."

- Sojomail 020404
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