Well, the semester is over and that means that I am back in South Florida. Which inevitably means my suitcase is in my parents house and I am sleeping anywhere but. The ~illusion of being home, for my father's sake.
My parents switched from AT&T to Comcast which means they fucked up the wireless there which means they want me to fix it. Which is really, really fucking hard because a) software is harder to deal with than hardware, b) comcast is a cable set-up which makes things complicated, and c) my mother's form of organization looks vaguely like
So I have VERY limited access to the internet WHICH IS KILLING ME.
So, in an attempt to not break down in tears, I've made the decision to go to the beach! I'm updating from Alexis' house while she peeters around getting suntan lotion and towels and other stuff ready. Heres to hoping someone gets back to me about any parties going down while I'm here. There's always a rave when I'm not here...