Of wacky tea shops and machiavellian Slytherins

Feb 03, 2010 22:46

Here they are! My own small contributions to the wealth of wonderful fic that popped up all over fandom over the holidays:

Firstly, my hd_holidays fic:

Not Just Another Cream Bun
Summary: After Eighth Year at Hogwarts, everyone seems to be getting on with their lives. In Malfoy’s case, this seems to involve a peculiar new shop on Diagon Alley, being stalked by a familiar bespectacled bumpkin and a dashing new apron.

And my little AS/S hp_emofest fic:

Upwardly Mobile
Summary: Following in the footsteps of his forefathers, Scorpius has ambitions involving a certain Potter of his acquaintance.

hp fic

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