Poked awake

Aug 26, 2009 09:58

Hello again everyone =) I can't believe I've been away for so long - it's been nigh on 18 months since I've last updated this journal, and since I sort-of-subconsciously-with-no-reason-in-particular retracted my toe-dipping from the HP fandom. In that time, I've somehow acquired a new boyfriend and moved to Jakarta (Indonesia) for 9 months for work, but now I'm back home in KL (Malaysia) and find myself drawn irresistibly back into the HP fandom, and my beloved HD, again.

I've signed myself up for the hd_holidays and hp_emofest fic fests, so hopefully you'll be seeing some new fic here soon! Also, I've had some thoughts brewing on a couple of original characters... watch this space.

Art by star_sailor13

I missed LJ and HP - it feels good to be back! &hearts


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