Yep, the plot bunnies really did get me bad. Damn them.
AND I just got confirmation on my word at
AND I have two WIPs to work on.
AND I have college work.
AND I have 2 sequels to other fics I 'have to write!'.
Oh well, goodbye already none existent social life.
1. A one-on-one fight between them, as it that would have probably killed us. Lots of talk of why she picked Sheppard, stuff about the war, stuff about them, incessant flirting and you know, punches and stuff.
2. Something on the fact that at the end it's Sheppard that shoots Phobeus!Weir, not Thalan!Sheppard. All stuff about trying to consider what they did, feelings about each other. Sparky in the end, but not overly. I already wrote that, and it turned fluffy and strange.
3. This one could be a little weird. Ronon says that he has no clue how Weir thinks, so I wanted to write a fic on it. Them finiding a common ground, and expanding on that and learning about each other. It had something to do with sword training, Ronon needing a training partner, Weir wanting to talk to him, and her mentioning she did fencing. Probably strange.
4. Carson and Rodney discussing everything, and debating over whether Sheppard and Weir are together. And someone has to walk in...but who?
5. Possible TLG AU scene where Sheppard really is unconcious when Phobeus!Weir comes in to kill him. Depressing, but there may be a twist.
6. A briefing with everyone, Sheppard, Weir, Teyla, Ronon, Caldwell, Beckett and McKay. Quickly degenerates into a discussion about the kiss. Shep and Weir try to divert the convo, but Teyla and Ronon want to hear. Resorts to name calling very quickly.
And that's all at the moment.
Now...what to write...