Fingers crossed this posts. Great entries in November, voting was up, who could ask for anything more. Congrats to everyone who participated and our winners. Any mistakes, let me know ASAP.
Title Lovers Walk Blend Author amyxaphania Rating G Prompt 144 - Lovers Walk Characters Spike, Buffy, Angel, Willow, Xander, Joyce A/N: Loosely followed a tutorial for this one at DA.
Title: Decent Spot of Violence Author: thedothatgirl Rating: G Prompt 144 'Lovers Walk' Characters: Buffy, Spike and Angel Notes: This episode had everything. Just one of my very favourites
Title: Close Enough To Perfect Author: angelus2hot Rating: PG Word Count: 186 Prompt: 144(Offspring) Characters/Pairing: Darla(Angel/Darla and Angel/Buffy implied)