Catch-up fics: Prompts 208, 209 and 211

Mar 01, 2011 00:48

Two drabbles and a ficlet to fulfil this month's quota - I love this comm and really value the opportunities it offers.

Title: A Bad Egg with a Heart of Gold

Author: gillo

Rating: G

Word Count: 100

Prompt: 208 - egg with a heart of gold

Characters/Pairing (if any) Spike

A Bad Egg with a Heart of Gold

In theory, Spike knew he was evil. Living on blood - preferably human - was a bit of a clue, after all. Somehow, though, his dead heart wasn’t in it anymore.

Mayhem, now, was always fun. A scaffold pole and a pack of not-too-slimy demons, and he was your man. Rival vamps muscling in on his territory - he’d leap into the carnage with reckless abandon.

But that terrified woman in the alleyway; that was different. He was actually relieved when the bloody chip fired despite the agony.

Anyone ever found out? He would rip their throat out. Point of honour, mate.

Title: Superhero

Author: gillo

Rating: G

Word Count: 100

Prompt: 209 - Caped Crusader valentine

Character: Andrew Wells


Andrew knew there was no chance of rescue. The last survivor of the doomed trio of supervillains was trapped in a house full of superheroes.

The time must come, soon, to remove his disguise, adopt his cape and boots and turn to his real vocation. Saving the world. That was what he did, right? It wasn’t as if he was really evil. Not really. Killing his best friend was a misjudgement, yes, but caused because he joined Warren. All his fault.

Yet as a smart double agent he had foiled his plots on the verge of success. That counted, surely?

Title: Off My Noodle

Author: gillo

Rating: G

Word Count: 240

Prompt: 211 - Free-for-all “I’d be off my noodle - if you’d be mine!”

Character Spike

Off My Noodle

He had long, really sane talks with her sometimes. She would explain, calmly, that he could find a way to win her heart, but it would take time and he would have to prove himself to her first.

He asked her how. She suggested that killing a few of her enemies might be a good start.

He reached out to hold her hand. She told him he would have to earn even that.

He asked her how she expected him to kill people now he had a soul and a barrowload - no, a truckload - of guilt to carry around.

She pointed out that he had always been guilty of those crimes. It made no difference to her that he was feeling them more.

He wanted to know what enemies, and how he should kill them. She replied that when the time came he would know.

He said he wanted her now, not when the time came. She went away.

She’d never been there. Of course she hadn’t. And she wouldn’t talk to him like that anyway.

But she looked like herself and smelled like herself, and if he couldn’t touch her he could remember touching her. He wanted her back to taunt him. Even those times looked like Dru or that wrinkled bag of guts, Nest, he wanted her, sure it would be her.

And when he thought about that? That was when he knew he was off his rocker.

Comments are food for my soul...

gillo, spike, g, btvs, 211, 209, andrew, ficlet, 208, drabble

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