Catch-up Drabbles: prompts 208, 210, 211

Feb 26, 2011 15:47

Title Props
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG
Word Count 100
Prompt 208 Let's strike up a match, Valentine
Characters/Pairing (if any) Harmony/Spike (previously)

Spike taught her to smoke, but she never really took to it. There's something cool about blowing smoke, for sure, and she's almost nearly got used to doing it naturally despite her lack of breath.

But Harmony alive never really saw the point of smoking, and Harmony dead, though totally down with the "smoking equals evil mastermind" paradigm, still doesn't find it comes naturally. She feels self-conscious, like she's juggling props. Sometimes, she can see her victims struggling not to laugh. Not very mastermindy.

And now Spike isn't here to light her cigarettes anymore, she can’t really see the point.


Title Small Mercies
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating R, for background of dismemberment
Word Count 100
Prompt 210 I love you, but you must die
Characters/Pairing (if any) Wesley/Lilah
A/N: Shortly after Salvage, AtS s4

She was already dead. She was already dead when you did it. She was already dead when you raised the axe. She was already dead before you made the cut. And the second. And the third, which finally severed her head.

She would not willingly have become a vampire. She was evil, but she wasn't a demonic creature. She had choices, and she chose evil. Nobody forced Lilah Morgan when she was alive.

That was what you loved about her, wasn't it? That was why you would always have killed her, eventually. Angelus saved you that.

You won't thank him.


Title Least Worst
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG
Word Count 100
Prompt 211 Free For All (If girls were boogers, I'd pick you first)
Characters/Pairing (if any) Willow/Xander, kind of, but only as kids

Xander doesn't get it. Why do they have to make this big fuss about Valentine's Day? He doesn't want to give stupid cards to stupid girls. Especially stupid pink cards. And his mom makes him bring cards for all the girls.

Girls are stupid. They giggle and don’t like sports or building stuff or cars or anything important. Except Willow. She likes dinosaurs and spaceships. For a girl, she's pretty okay.

Willow hates Valentine's Day. She gets maybe four cards, 'cause most boys are stupid too. Xander gets her an extra-big card, because… it feels important to make her smile.

xander/willow, spike/harmony, wes/lilah, 208, drabble, brutti_ma_buoni

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