Title Sweet Song
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG13
Word Count 100
Prompt 195 - Dessert
Characters/Pairing Drusilla
A/N Some lines are taken from What's My Line part 2 and are not mine
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
My mother ate lemons raw.
The lamb is caught in the blackberry patch.
Lemons and blackberries are sour. But with ice and cream they are a delight. No need for sourpuss puckered mouths. All is sweet and dainty on your tongue now.
If I bring you ice cream, will you scream, little girl? Or is it tasty and delicious enough to make you smile? I like to see you smile. I can make you scream if I want to.
I will make you scream. No ice cream before tea.