Prompt 188 Fic

Sep 23, 2010 23:11

Title: First Days
Author: silver_galaxy 
Rating: G
Characters: Buffy, Willow, Xander, Cordelia and Oz
Prompt: 188-pre-school, elementary, high school and college
Word Count: 400
Disclaimer: not mine



This pre-school thing was different. He would be there all day with others kids and not with his parents. It was cool though.

He liked pre-school. There were fun toys to play with and he got to play with Willow all day.

She didn’t understand this, why did she suddenly have to share her toys with the other kids?

She had been so happy to go to pre-school. She hoped they would let her go back tomorrow.

It was so much fun, she couldn’t wait to tell Celia all about it.


So far she liked school better than she had liked pre-school. They were going to teach them how to read and she liked helping the other kids with the alphabet.

She liked lunch time the best, when everyone wanted to be her friend and play with her.

They told him that he was going to have music classes on Thursday, he was looking forward to that.

She was so excited to see all her friends from pre-school after summer was over but they were a lot stricter at school then they were at pre-school.

He was so glad that Willow was in his grade. She was so smart and knew all the answers.

High School

It was her first day and she’d already been invited to a seniors party. High school was going to be so much fun.

The next few years were going to determine which college she went to, which was going to affect the rest of her life! Maybe she should start asking about extra credit assignments.

He had a plan for high school, it was time for a fresh start and he was going to try really hard to get good grades. Well that was the plan until he went to algebra.

High school. She knew that she was going to be the most popular girl and rule the campus.

He had big ideas for the band at high school. He wanted them to learn another two chords. Or maybe one would be enough.


This was what she had been waiting for all her life. Finally she was at college.

She could have gone to college, but instead the stage and screen were going to be her teachers. LA was going to give her more than a degree ever could.

She’d survived high school as the slayer, college would be fine.

Today was the day the others would start college. He was spending another exciting day in Oxnard.

College, it was another stage in life.

scoobies, fanfic, willow, g, btvs, 188, cordelia, buffy, xander, silver_galaxy, oz

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