Prompt 188: Fiction(x2)

Sep 23, 2010 16:17

Title: His Best Year Ever
Author: angelus2hot
Rating: PG
Word Count: 167
Prompt: 188(high school)
Characters/Pairing: Xander

Over the summer months he had missed being with Cordelia; but thankfully the time had flown by. But now it was time for school to begin once more, he couldn't wait to see her. Actually, he couldn't wait to get her alone in the nearest janitor's closet. Not that he was going to admit that, he was going to be smooth. James Bond smooth.

He glanced at the alarm clock that sat on the table beside his bed. Two minutes left to go. Fingers tapped impatiently on the wood as he waited for the alarm to sound. He couldn't help but be excited.

The music had barely began to play when he reached out and slammed his hand down on the button to shut it off. Excited didn’t really begin to cover it. This was his last year in high school plus he was Cordelia Chase's boyfriend. Life didn't get any better than that.

This was going to be his best year ever. He just knew it.

Title: The Best Is Yet To Come
Author: angelus2hot
Rating: PG
Word Count: 244
Prompt: 188(high school)
Characters/Pairing: Anya(Giles/Anya implied)

She of all people knew that life wasn't fair. It wasn't supposed to be. But this was ridiculous. She was a thousand-year-old vengeance demon stuck in the body of a human, uncontrollably hormonal, teenage girl. It was beyond not fair.

The unexpected crash into the wall brought her out of her own misery. As she glanced up from her spot on the floor she realized it wasn't a wall she'd hit but a man. A broad shouldered, mature, very handsome man.

She swallowed her usual quick retort and looked up into his eyes. "I'm sorry, Mr. ummmm...? I didn't mean to run into you."

"I'm Mr. Giles, the librarian.” He held out his hand, waited patiently for her to slip her small hand in his before helping her to her feet. "That's quite alright. No harm done. You had better get to class."

Anya couldn't help but stare as he turned and walked away. This was what librarians looked like? Surely there were some books she would need from the library. Quickly, she rummaged through her purse for her class schedule. As she read the rumbled paper frustration welled up inside of her, she had every book on her list. Damn!

Suddenly inspiration hit, a quick toss of her American History book into the nearest trash can insured a trip to the library. As she walked through the door a smile spread slowly across her face. Maybe being human wasn't that bad after all.

anya, angelus2hot, xander, 188

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