Prompt Recs: Here Be Good Stuff

Feb 22, 2010 20:23

Recs with a difference: I've picked some relatively recent prompts that really brought out the great things this comm can offer. Because let's face it, that's what makes still_grrr so special: great prompts, great responses.

Looking to browse? Here be good stuff.

118 May Madness Spike and Dana

Dana for the visuals, and Spike more for the writing. The comm *loves* this pair.

134 Scene It September Bringing Buffy Back/Angel fires the Gang/Mal is Married

Icons! Fanart! Fic! It's all here.

144 Remember, Remember, What Aired in November Safe, Lovers Walk, Offspring, A Spy in the House of Love

Some great fics but again especially some gorgeous, gorgeous artwork for this prompt.

147 Holiday Havoc January, April, July

From Tweed Day to April Fools!

152 Classic Literature from the beginning to the Renaissance

What a mix! From speculation ancient Greek sex positions to the cast of AtS representing Titus Andronicus, the comm writers and artists really got their teeth into this.

recs, 158, dollhouse, firefly, ats, btvs

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