Title: Deep Down
Author: Sarah
Rating: PG
Word Count: 174
Prompt: 004 Badger
Characters: Badger, Mal, River
A/N: Just finished Firefly, so this is my first Firefly fic! Not eligible for voting.
As he finished his speech and looked haughtily at Mal, he could almost believe the words that had come out of his mouth. *Almost.* Deep down he just couldn’t convince himself of their truth. Deep down he knew better. Deep down he knew he was, and would always be, the lowly trash he’d been born. Yes, now he had a few people he could push around as he sat at the top of his little kingdom, but deep down, he knew nothing had really changed.
He knew it again when that girl from his home county looked right at him, looked right *through* him, like he was nothing, like the girls back home always used to look at him. He knew that look, had grown up with it, had grown accustomed to it. It had been so long since he’d seen it, though, that he faltered, just for a second. But the façade quickly came back to him. Hardly a waiver really. Maybe she hadn’t even noticed. But deep down, he knew she had.