This disabled vehicle on the right shoulder! Dance Party Friday, held every Friday morning during the 5:45 a.m. traffic report on Channel 12 News in Cincinnati (only when there are no accidents, but I don't imagine there are many accidents/traffic jams at a quarter to 6 in the morning on any Friday in Cincinnati), is my new favorite thing (thanks to Jennifer for finding this whilst sunning herself on our patio on Friday, as I was toiling away at work. OK, maybe "toiling" isn't the right word....).
To see all of the Dance Party Friday clips (Billy Idol was a good one... and the St Pat's Day one was pretty great...), you can watch them all (if you start on any of them, it'll just scroll through them sequentially...) by clicking on the links on the left.
He's STUCK! Stuck... stuck...
As if I needed another reason to look forward to Fridays!