Editing sucks

Feb 22, 2010 21:18

 Blarrrrg editing. It sucks.

Just spent the last two days going over my entire story, making it a little cleaner, fixing some continuity errors, and the like. My eyes have gone funny, eeeeeegghhh. Hopefully that makes it look a bit better. Might submit it to Twilighted, thought I still might run it through an additional beta first.

I'm gonna try to write tonight if I can.

So the Olympics. That's been some good and some bullshit. Lots of gold for us (yay Alex Bilodeau for being the first!), and then we get BULLSHITTED out of two medals by the Koreans. GUYS, YOU NEED TO STOP PUSHING PEOPLE. GAH!

I'm not even gonna start on Hockey *glares at Stevie Y*

Hopefully we have some luck tonight with Men's Aerials and Ice Dancing.

random, putting my lazy ass to the grindstone

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