okay, so i've been updating a lot, shush. anyway, something you all may or may not know about me is that a few years back, i learned how to knit. and my first ever project was a scarf. now, i was in college at the time and didn't really find the time to really finish it, but i always kept it, thinking that i would eventually find interest in it again.
well, i did. and i FINISHED it yesterday! woo! (only took like... 4 years!) and now, i think i'm addicted. must knit. must learn more. i even bought a book!
so here, ladies and gentlemen, is my first ever, hand-knit project:
there's the whole thing, all pretty... i love the bright colors and the nubbly texture.
and there's a close up of the texture/color for you. i love it, i can't wait to wear it with my jet black winter coat this winter. i need to knit a hat that will go with it! hmm, next project? we'll have to see...