Sorry, but I'm about to dump a load of pictures of the Salt Lake Temple into this entry. They've been taken over the past year. Some of them are taken from out my window at my office! Others from the doors leaving work. The rest were taken just on walks. I'm pretty lucky to work across the street from Temple Square. Temple pictures always
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Way back on March 3rd-6th I took an Appraisal Institute course (thank you, employer, for reimbursing me for the course!). The class was in Bountiful a few miles north of Salt Lake City. On one of my lunch breaks I decided to somehow find my way through the labyrinth of streets up the mountain side to get to the Bountiful temple. It was such a
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The devotional was awesome. I will share more details later. For now, I'll share some pictures I took last night leaving work, and a few I took today on top of the COB outside of the ballroom during the social. And can I mention that the ballroom was beautiful? The long skinny tall windows spilled sunlight on the wooden dance floor and it was
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So I've been a crappy updater the past...lifetime...but that's okay. I've been in some funks, been on a spiritual high, been on a spiritual low, felt crappy, felt great, had fun, been bored. It's a summary for you, anyway
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So I have a few pictures from my trip! Eric braved his dial-up and e-mailed a couple to me, and the rest are on a CD [hooray Wal*Mart photo center!] in the mail so I should have them sometime next week. Yay!
Anyway, they aren't extravagant, but here's a couple!