
Nov 17, 2014 11:18

20 more days until Puppy comes! It is getting close and I'm getting excited. I got to meet a 13 week old Aussie puppy at League the other night and was struck by the realization that OUR PUPPY IS COMING IN LESS THAN 3 WEEKS!!

I look around my house right now and I see lying on the floor: 3 pairs of shoes, a 24 pack of toilet paper, my purse, laptops with laptop cords, various other electrical cords and the recycle bag filled with all kinds of goodies. Let's not even talk about the kids' rooms. So much puppy proofing left to do. Oh, and don't forget the Christmas tree that will be going up soon after Puppy comes! Fun times, right there! Our tree will look like when the boys were toddlers: all the ornaments and decorations up high and nothing on the bottom, and presents not set out until The Big Day. I still need to get ex-pens from my friend and my crate from the agility barn, a few more chew toys and puppy toys, etc.

I've been considering names for months now and still don't really have anything picked out. This is not surprising to me as my husband and I only agreed on a boy name for our first child a couple weeks before he was born, and never did have a girl's name picked out. We knew our second kid was going to be a boy and it still took us up to his due date to pick out a name. I suspect the same will happen with this puppy. I think im going to have to wait until I know for sure who I'm getting, and perhaps even wait until I have met the pup to figure out a name. I do know that I DO NOT want to keep calling puppy, "Puppy." The litter theme for registered names is 80's Classic Rock. I'm not concerned about finding a registered name as I have about 100 of them written down, but I'm finding it difficult to nail down the call name.

Puppy selfie

A name is so very important, but sheesh, so many considerations and tests the name must pass!

Ideally, I like a name that is one or two syllables. Three syllables would work as long as the name can still be shortened to one syllable, or, shortened and then doubled. For example Wicket to Wick or Wick-Wick. I want the name to have at contain atleast one hard consenent sound as I think those are easier to say and for the dog to hear. "Kick" is easier to yell and hear than "Ha!" The name must have sounds that are easy for me to pronounce. The name Sizzle wouldn't work well because I don't make the "S" and "Z" sounds easily and find it quite difficult to make the sounds together. I'd get stuck on "Ssssssss."

The name must be easy to pronounce when out of breath (or else I need to get in better shape!), cannot be the same as, or sound like, a command or cue, especially one used in agility ("Tyra" might sound like "Tire", "Spot" is my command for a 2o2o - NOT that Wick REMEMBERS that in a trial!) The name cannot sound like a naughty word, body part, or sexual anything. "Tuck", "Pick", and "Enis" are not options. I would prefer it not be the same name as other other local dogs. This rule isn't a deal breaker, but something to take into consideration, especially if the call-name is the same as another local Aussie dog. The name needs to be pronounceable to gate stewards and scribes. And, of course, announcers, for when we're famous. The name needs to sound like the dog was named by a responsible, mature adult and not a child or college freshman. Kellen's suggestion for a name is "Butter Beer."


I don't want my dog's name to be on the Top 10 List Of Dog Names, but I also don't want it to be too weird or stupid. It just needs to be unique and fun. The name should be different from the names of any other animal I've owned before, or my relatives or friends have had. The name must pass the "call" test, as in, stand on the porch and yell it several times. The name cannot rhyme with any names of any other critters (animal and human) who live in this house or visit regularly. Preferably, it shouldn't start or end with the same sound as anyone who lives here. I already stumble over my boys'and husband's names since they are similar.

Pick me! Pick me!

But most important, the name needs to fit the dog. I think I'll need to "try a few on" before making the final name decision. There also is the possibility I may not change the pup's name from it's litter name. I like a few of the names given to the puppies, so depending on who comes, this all my be moot. I never did get around to changing Wicket's name :).

I think with all these rules and considerations for names I'm left with just one choice: DOG!!

Haha, just kidding! I know I'll come up with something and it will be FABULOUS!

Shades of Grey?

The next 3 weeks are going to filled with anticipation, revelation and excitement as the pups get a structure evaluation, a temperament evaluation, then the Choosing, and finally, the trip home!! ZOMG!

I think the Reds will go well with my home decor.

**All photos by Dani
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