I was at a punk rock show when I found out that Obama won. Myself and two other people immediately hopped in my car and navigated INSANE Washington traffic to get ourselves as close to the White House as possible, and when we arrived there were hundreds - probably over a thousand, to be honest - people in front of it, chanting things like the title of my entry, yelling "you're evicted!" at the White House, smoking cigars, drinking beer, high-fiving, hugging, kissing, you name it! I hugged so many fucking strangers and slapped so many hands tonight that I probably now have Hepatitis. The positive energy was just overflowing, y'all, it was really remarkable. I saw so many couples making out, a few people crying happy tears...I called Ginger and told her I loved her. I tried to do the same for my parents but they were still in bed.
So everyone celebrate! Smoke a cigar, kiss your honey, give out a random high-five. We have something to look forward to!
Slightly off-topic: How come this momentous occasion has gotten this song stuck in my head?
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