The working woman's marinated tofu

May 19, 2015 22:41

Tonight I get to show you how I usually marinate tofu ahead of cooking stir-fry. Most chefs on TV, you know, use Limoges bowls and cut-glass eyedroppers when they marinate tofu. Now for something completely different.

Before you leave for work, cut open a container of extra-firm tofu. Drain the liquid. Using a butter knife, slice the tofu into 1/2" pieces.

Pour about 3 tablespoons of soy sauce over the top, followed by about 2 tablespoons of the oil of your choice. Sesame oil is delicious. Flax seed oil has omega-3.

Add other stuff like ground ginger or minced garlic if you like.

Slide the container into a produce bag from the grocery store. Tie closed, carefully set in the refrigerator. Let it sit all day and think on its sins.

Here's what you get come dinner time:

Ready for anything!

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