The Bryar Bunch: The One Where Ryan is Really Not Having a Good Day [Ep 5/24]

Mar 18, 2009 20:11

Title:  The Bryar Bunch: The One Where Ryan is Really Not Having a Good Day
 Author: stfu_pwentzz 
Pairing: Spencer/Bob, Pete/Mikey, Frank/Brendon   
Rating: PG-13 [Language and drug use] 
Summary: The Brady Bunch AU. Spencer is the glue that holds his family together, three messed up boys that needed a place to stay. Bob holds his own family together, four boys in a band called My Chemical Romance. Spencer and Bob fall in love and get married. How will these families clash together? 
 Disclaimer: The last time I checked, Bob and Spencer weren’t married. And I don’t think there would be this much drama.

Pilot | Two | Three Four |

Episode Five: the One Where Ryan is Really Not Having a Good Day

Ryan awoke with a start. His right hand flew to his chest, and he could feel his chest rise and fall dramatically. Fuck, he had yet another nightmare. He couldn’t even tell what it was about. He just woke up like that. His pulse had started to fall back into the steady pace that it was usually at.

He looked around at his surroundings and realized that he was still on the couch of the lounge. He didn’t even make it to his bunk last night. Ryan quickly ran to the television to check out his reflection.

Everything seemed to be in order. He didn’t have any mustaches sharpie’d to his face or anything. His clothes were alright, and he didn’t feel any phallic objects in his ass. The My Chem boys had left him alone for the night.

Ryan tried to forget that one time that he could never forget. He vowed never to sleep in the lounge again. But, he obviously failed that one.

He wasn’t really surprised. He hadn’t really seen much of anyone. Ryan blamed most of it on himself. He had been alone more often, by his own choice. He hadn’t even seen Spencer or Jon lately. And, thinking back on it, he hadn’t seen Brendon in two weeks. Not properly at least.

Ryan seen him at breakfast occasionally, but as for the rest of the day he was the invisible man. Ryan tried not to frown while thinking about that. Brendon liked to pull the invisible man card a lot, but not for two weeks in a row.

Ryan didn’t miss him. Ryan just missed the support Brendon gave him. For instance, on nights where Ryan would have a nightmare, Brendon would be there comforting him. Ryan looked around the empty room, and Brendon wasn’t anywhere in sight.

Back in Vegas, Brendon always slept within five feet of Ryan. So as soon as Ryan woke up, Brendon would know about it. It was like his body was in tune with Ryan’s. Ryan never noticed it before.

Everything had changed since Vegas.

He never knew where anything was. He was bored more. And he often found himself alone. Not physically, because he was always surrounded by people. Brian like hanging around with Ryan, and that was pretty weird. But Brian would hang out with him along with Bob and Spencer when they could find the time.

Jon would still play video games with Ryan, or just jam with him but that’s about it. Jon had found a best friend with Ray. And Ryan couldn’t blame him, Ray was really awesome. He took back all previous thoughts about Ray when Ray let Ryan use his guitar.

Ryan lost almost all of his bitterness over the situation. Almost all of it, though. He still didn’t like Frank, Gerard or Mikey. He just wasn’t going to punch Mikey in the face or anything. Not like Brendon did.

Ryan smiled at that. Brendon punched Mikey Way in the face for Ryan. Or Ryan thought it was over him, that’s what it seemed like anyway. But now Brendon was always over on Fall Out Boy’s bus. And when he wasn’t he was in mysterious places. Mysterious places that Ryan didn’t know where.

Ryan looked at the 3:15 blinking in his face and decided to go back to sleep. He would deal with the Brendon problem in the morning. He needed sleep; he didn’t need to lose any more of it, than he already did.

Ryan wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but Pete’s face wasn’t the last thing Ryan saw when he slipped into unconscious. It was Brendon’s.


"Morning Sunshine," Ryan heard a cheerful voice over his head. He hoped to God that it was Brian with coffee. Ryan opened one eye; slowly, carefully, and realized he was right. He silently cheered. Brian was now his favorite. "I brought you some coffee, if you want to wake up."

Ryan slipped into a more comfortable position so he could enjoy his coffee. He grabbed it from Brian and decided to inhale the sweet sound of his morning caffeine before drinking it. Brian made it scorching anyway. He didn’t need to burn his tongue just because he needed to wake up.

Ryan looked at the clock, and he slept pretty late. It was around one in the afternoon. "A little late for coffee, Brian," he told Brian who was now sitting next to him. Brian shrugged and crossed his arms behind his head and spread his legs to become more comfortable. Ryan didn’t care, he had coffee. He was really surprised he slept that late. He usually woke up relatively early.

Ryan could go back to sleep any moment, so he decided to take a long sip of his coffee. It was delicious.

Then Spencer and Bob walked into the lounge hand in hand. It was kind of cute. Now it was cute. Ryan had passed the period where he hated Bob.

"Hey, where’s your bros?"

And now he was in a period where he hated Bob again.

Ryan growled, and Brian took his coffee away. That was probably a good idea, actually. "For the last time, I am an only child. I don’t have any brothers."

Bob sighed "Chill. Tell me which is easier, okay? Where-Are-Jon-And-Bren-don-at, seven syllables. Where-s-Your-Bros, four syllables."

Ryan smiled, even though he really didn’t want to. "The second. And I don’t know anyway."

Bob laughed. "There we go. Was that so hard? Rhetorical question, I assure you. So what seems to be the problem young Ryan Ross."

Spencer stifled a chuckle. Ryan glared at him. Spencer knew he only let Brendon call him by his full name, and Bob was in no means that hyper active Mormon kid who follows Ryan around. Who used to follow Ryan around, Ryan corrected himself.

Ryan shrugged and crossed his arms around his chest. "Maybe the fact that I live in a bus, where I hate fifty percent of the population of said bus?"

Spencer frowned, but Bob gave him a sardonic look. "That’s not very fair to Brian."

Ryan smiled, and he actually wanted to now. "Alright fine, I really only hate thirty percent."

Bob raised his hand in front of Spencer’s face, awaiting a high five, "High five, Smith! I know for a fact that I am not part of that thirty percent."

Spencer rolled his eyes and gave Bob a lame high five. Ryan frowned. "Spence, I know you can give a better high five than that," Ryan chastised.

Spencer glowered at Ryan, only half heartedly, "Your mom can give a better high five than that."

They all laughed, and alright. None of them in the room were really that bad. Brian was already awesome, and Bob made Spencer happy. Bob was okay in Ryan’s book.

Bob coughed in the middle of his laughing, looking at Brian "Oh speaking of mom’s and sexual innuendo’s, Brian I need a favor."

Brian sat up a little, more focused on Bob and Spencer. "Shoot, Bryar."

Bob nodded, "See, I need you to talk to your guy. About the stuff." Bob was making a lot of hand and eye movements towards Brian.

Ryan just stared at Bob. He was missing something.

Spencer hit Bob in the shoulder. Ryan knew for a fact that it didn’t hurt him at all, but Bob visibly winced a little bit. "Dude, he’s twenty. He can hear you ask for condoms and lube."

Ryan’s eyes opened as wide as they could. Brian had a dude for stuff like that? "Brian, you have a. There’s a guy you go to for that stuff?"

Brian nodded, checking his phone out, "Yeah, actually. We’re kind of sleeping with each other." He clicked a few more buttons, and looked up at Bob "He’s actually on a break with his band, so he’s going to bring it up later."

Bob nodded. Ryan smiled, he actually got a chance to see who Brian was fucking. This was hilarious. Brian was fucking someone who just happened to give him condoms and lube. That will never stop being funny.

Spencer gave him a look. "Ryan, chill. He also brings vegan shit for Andy over at the Fall Out Boy bus. He’s kind of the community store."

Ryan rolled his eyes, "Condoms and vegan food? That makes it less funny, Spencer."


Ryan was strumming on Ray’s guitar when Mikey walked into the lounge. He looked a little more relaxed than usual, his face plastered with the same smirk he was always sporting. Ryan didn’t really think anything of it that he came from Spencer’s bunks.

Ryan tried to continue to play, but he couldn’t play his best under Mikey’s watchful eye, so he stops strumming to look at Mikey. Mikey was now standing in front of him, hips cocked a little bit.

"You’re not half bad," Mikey amended with a shrug of his shoulders. And, hello, that was a compliment from Mikey Way.

Ryan didn’t smile; he just shrugged his shoulders, mimicking Mikey’s action. "Me, Spencer, Jon and Brendon jam sometimes. We can all play. I think Brendon can play a little bit better than me, but he can play a bunch of these other instruments. It just might be talent that I hear."

Mikey looked impressed a little bit. But Ryan didn’t think anything of it, knowing Mikey it was just a plan for something.

Mikey didn’t say anything more, and was just heading back to the bunks when Ryan stopped him. If anyone would know where Brendon was, it would be Mikey. Brendon was always hanging out with Fall Out Boy and Mikey was banging the bassist.

"Do you know where Brendon is? I mean," Ryan took a breath and tried his best to seem disinterested "He’s always gone, and I just thought you would have an idea where he is."

Mikey smirked again, and Ryan couldn’t tell if it was real or malicious. "Yeah, he should be over with Pete and Joe. He seems to be hanging over there a lot."

Ryan nodded and set Ray’s guitar down. He padded across the lounge to exit the bus, and out of the corner of his eye he seen Mikey leave also.

He left the bus, and turned around My Chem’s bus, so he could head over to FOB’s when he skidded to a halt in his tracks.

All the breath left his lungs and he was left just standing there and watching. He felt sick to his stomach but was repressing the urge to throw up because that would cause unwanted attention to him.

He was standing in front of Brendon and Frank. Just that alone would take Ryan’s breath away, because that’s just weird. But he was watching Frank on his knees, giving Brendon a blow job.

What was it with blow jobs in the proximity of Ryan?

Ryan couldn’t figure out why this bothered him so much. Brendon was his friend; he could receive blow jobs from anyone he wanted to. But what if he was giving blow jobs too? Ryan didn’t even want to think about that. It made his chest ache.

Brendon had his eyes closed, and was facing towards the sky. He had his hand entwined in Frank’s hair. Brendon was enjoying it, that much was certain. Ryan gulped. Brendon was allowed to enjoy blow jobs given by Frank, right? Yeah.

Ryan couldn’t look or even walk away from this. The moaning Brendon was doing was going to be etched into his mind, along with the expression on his face. Ryan wanted Brendon to make that face for him.

Then it hit him what he was thinking. That was ridiculous. He wasn’t jealous, he was just surprised, and that’s all.

Then Brendon opened his eyes and locked them with Ryan’s. And right. He wasn’t supposed to be watching this. But, Ryan couldn’t find the strength to look away, or make his legs work.

Brendon and Ryan just stared at each other for the longest time, Frank was still going at Brendon’s exposed dick, but that didn’t matter. Not really.

"Bren," Ryan strangled out. Brendon gulped and came into Frank’s mouth. And that was too much. Ryan’s legs found that to be the perfect reason to evacuate the premises. But his legs were making up for lost time, that’s why he was running back into the bus.

Gerard was in the lounge with Jon and Ray. They were all playing video games. They were playing video games like Ryan didn’t just have to see the worst thing possible.

He headed towards his bunk, and what the fuck?

This day could not get worse. Like, really.

Mikey and Pete were fucking in Ryan’s bunk. Ryan had no words. He sighed. "For the love of God!" he screamed out in Mikey and Pete’s direction. Mikey stopped mid-thrust, and Pete just looked at him. That was odd, because Ryan didn’t really see Mikey as being a top.

He couldn’t stay anywhere near this bus. He just headed out the way he came, trying not to disrupt Gerard, Ray and Jon’s game. Because God forbid he mess up their day.

He ran outside, and he didn’t really know where he was going.

He knew where he went, though. He ran into Gabe Saporta of Midtown fame. That was strange. Well, really, Ryan ran into his lower half because Gabe was really, really tall.

Gabe set his hand on Ryan’s shoulder. And Ryan was not a Midtown fan boy, but if his heart didn’t stop at that one comforting gesture. He suddenly liked Midtown a hell of a lot better than he did.

"Are you alright?"

Ryan just took a deep breath before he looked up at the stratosphere-- really that’s how tall Gabe was-- to look at Gabe’s face. "Not really. I. I just had a bad day, I guess."

Gabe smiled. "Hey, I’m going to see my friend Brian, and then we’ll make you feel better. I’ll keep my creepiness down a few tabs though. But don’t get used to it. It’s only because you’re having a bad day."

Then Brian exited the bus. "Gabe! Man, I see you’ve been introduced to Ryan. Ryan came with Spencer."

Then Ryan looked back and forth between Brian and Gabe, and it all suddenly made sense.

"No way!" Ryan exclaimed, a slight smile making its way to Ryan’s face. "Gabe is the condom guy?"

Gabe chuckled, his hand still on Ryan’s shoulder. "I guess you could say that."

The Bryar family just got that much weirder.

Ryan tried to forget about his horrible day because Brian was fucking Gabe Saporta, what? That just made life a little more interesting.

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