(no subject)

Mar 16, 2009 21:24

Title:  The Bryar Bunch: The One Where Frank Molests Brendon
 Author: stfu_pwentzz
Pairing: Spencer/Bob, Pete/Mikey, Frank/Brendon   
Rating: PG-13 [Language and drug use] 
Summary: The Brady Bunch AU. Spencer is the glue that holds his family together, three messed up boys that needed a place to stay. Bob holds his own family together, four boys in a band called My Chemical Romance. Spencer and Bob fall in love and get married. How will these families clash together? 
 Disclaimer: The last time I checked, Bob and Spencer weren’t married. And I don’t think there would be this much drama.

Pilot | Two | Three |

Episode Four: The One Where Frank Molests Brendon.

Something was off. It wasn’t right, not even close to being right. Frank took a mental list of everyone on the bus. Someone was gone, and Frank didn’t know why it bothered him so much.

He stepped out of his bunk and passed by Mikey and Gerard. Mikey was complaining about Pete, which was not something out of the ordinary, and Gerard was mentioning about code words and bunks. Whatever.

Frank and Gerard weren’t really on the same page recently. It was weird. Ever since those damn children came onto the bus.

Frank passed by them and Ray stopped him in his tracks. Didn’t Ray know Frank was on a quest? A quest to figure out what was missing?

"Dude, I have to tell you something."

Frank sighed. Ray and his stupid stories. Except when they weren’t. "I guess."

Ray beamed. "So Jon and I were having our morning coffee-" and Frank blocked him out. He didn’t need to hear about him and Jon. Really, it was like Ray got married and not Bob. Bob wasn’t even around that much anymore. It was unnerving. Stupid fucking Spencer for stealing Bob away. "Then Brendon handed Mikey’s ass to him." He heard the rest of Ray’s speech.

Frank cupped his ear and leaned in closer to Ray. "Could you repeat that?"

Ray smiled. "I knew you weren’t listening, asshole." Ray shook his head and continued on. "But Mikey and Brendon got into a smack down over Pete. And Brendon beat Mikey’s ass horribly. It was awesome."

Mikey getting his ass handed to him on a silver platter, be it Brendon or not, would make Frank smile any day of the week. But he couldn’t find the strength to smile, and he did not know why. Mikey getting beat by the ass with a face. That should be funny.

But instead of laughter, Frank was filled with this strange fluttering in his chest. It felt like this pressure suffocating his heart. There was a possible homicide going on in Frank’s body. It wasn’t right. This feeling was foreign to Frank, along with this other feeling. He missed Brendon. Frank should not miss Brendon. Frank did not like Brendon. He only liked his ass.

But Frank had to get this fluttering out of his chest. "They were fighting over Pete?" Frank grimaced. Frank got that pressure in his chest when he mentioned Pete. And what was up with that? He usually got that feeling with Gerard when pertaining to Lyn-Z or Bert McCracken or something. It was an odd feeling pertaining to Brendon.

Frank continued to grimace at his thoughts and Ray squished his face also. "Not really?" And there. It was gone. His chest was back to being alive and normal again. "It was more of him calling Pete a horse and Mikey engaging in inter-species erotica."

Frank snickered. Ray was so quirky. "Dude, just call it bestiality."

Ray laughed with Frank, patting his shoulder. "Nah, that makes it seem wrong."

Ray was a fucked up dude.

But that raised another question. "Where’s Brendon anyway?"

Ray shrugged before he headed back to the bunks, "I don’t know, he’s been gone a couple hours though."

Frank’s first quest was over, and he had a new one. Find out where Brendon was, with a sub quest of trying to figure out what this fluttering was all about.

First, he had to find The Fairy. The Fairy always knew where Brendon was. He went behind enemy lines, Spencer’s side of the bus, to look for the Fairy. He was playing Ray’s guitar. Ryan simply looked up, but didn’t acknowledge Frank enough to speak to him.

Frank rolled his eyes. Ryan was such a fairy.

"Do you know where your brother is?"

Ryan snorted and continued to play Ray’s guitar, surprisingly well, actually. But he flipped his hair out of his eyes. "Last time I checked, I was an only child."

Frank sighed; he really wasn’t as funny as he thought he was. "Funny. Fine. Where is Brendon?"

Ryan stopped playing the guitar, and eyed Frank warily. Did he even realize that Brendon was missing? Frank scoffed; he was such a horrible Ryan. He was a horrible Ryan anyways, though. Then Ryan just gave Frank this look. And, he looked freaking mental. Frank knew what it meant: what are you doing looking for my Brendon. Ryan was such a mental, jealous freak.

But before Frank could make fun of Crazy-Eyed Ross-- Seriously, was he a psychopath in a previous life? -- Mikey came in.

He wasn’t looking too pleased, either. Maybe he had misplaced someone. Frank shook the thought out of his head. He did not misplace anything. He could care less if Brendon was gone.

Mikey sighed. "I don’t know where he is. But, I left him with Pete because they were bonding or whatever," Mikey made air quotes when saying the word bonding, Mikey was looking directly at Ryan. Perhaps there was a secret message that Frank couldn’t see. "I came back and they were gone. " Frank looked over to Ryan and there was a split second of emotion before it visibly disappeared as soon as it was seen. Wow, he could show emotion. The fuck was that about?

"I’ll be right back," Frank told Ryan and Mikey. It seemed like Mikey and Ryan were having a silent conversation anyway.

As soon as he stepped out of the bus he asked everyone on the tour if they had seen Brendon. He even thought about posting a lost puppy sign before he stopped and caught himself.

What, the fuck. Frank was looking for Brendon. Frank, who hated Brendon, pretty much, was looking for him. Something wasn’t right there.

Then his phone rang, he pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Frank’s confusion speaking," he prompted into the phone.

"Hey, could you put regular Frank on the phone? I found someone for him."

He recognized that voice. It was Patrick from Fall Out Boy.

Frank was never so happy, confused and pissed off before. He was happy that Brendon was found, he was hoping that he was, at least. Then he was confused as to why Patrick was calling him. Then it dawned on him, and he was angry. But that led to another question.

Why the fuck was Brendon with Fall Out Boy?


So, the weed was wearing off pretty fast. Brendon thought it had something to do with Frank being a buzz kill. Or, the fact that Frank was cutting off the circulation in his arm. Frank was pinching at the juncture of Brendon’s elbow.

Frank stormed into Fall Out Boy’s tour bus, pissed off apparently. Brendon was playing video games with Pete and Joe. Joe was a monster at video games, no joke. Brendon didn’t believe in God anymore, but if he was to believe in a deity it would be Joe Trohman.

Actually he had more faith in Joe Trohman than he’s ever had in God, his entire life.

Joe has these ideals that Brendon has thought before but thought he was the only one to think or believe them. Joe was wise, and he knew a lot of life’s little mysteries.

He also told Brendon about "the plan". Brendon thought it was a little cracked, but whatever. Apparently there was a master plan that Brendon, Ryan, Spencer and Jon were going to be more famous than Fall Out Boy. Joe didn’t know how, but they just were.

Brendon laughed to himself. Right, like that was going to happen. But other than that, Brendon had unwavering faith in Joe.

Frank walked in and Pete didn’t sense Frank’s hostility. He jumped up and ran toward Frank. "Frankie! How are you doing today?"

Before Pete could bounce over to Frank, Frank shoved him away and growled. "Get the fuck away from me. I just came for Brendon."

If anyone said that Brendon looked confused, that would be the understatement of the century. Brendon knew for a fact that Frank didn’t even like Brendon. But he came for him? Just weird.

He looked for Joe for advice, but Joe just nodded.

Joe was the worst God ever. Didn’t stop Brendon from believing though. Brendon had to get a reaction out of Joe, he shrugged his shoulders up. That should do something.

Joe just got this huge smile on his face. "Go, Bren. It’s a part of the master plan."

Brendon rolled his eyes. Joe had too many plans. But Brendon knew better than to disagree with him. Joe was never wrong.

Frank yanked Brendon’s arm harder. "Yes, let’s go, Bren."

Brendon couldn’t tell if Frank was mocking Joe or actually called him Bren. This entire ordeal didn’t make any sense now. And it was not because of the pot. Or the alcohol.

Pretty soon Frank yanked Brendon out of the tour bus, and Brendon wasn’t sure if Frank realized that he needed his fucking hand. Frank hadn’t let go, and Brendon wasn’t sure if he was ever going to let go.

They were a safe distance in between the buses when Brendon yanked his hand out of Frank’s grasp, glaring. Frank hadn’t done anything to Brendon since the initial meeting, so what was this? Was this like, his revenge towards Brendon? Brendon’s heard stories about Frank. Frank would never just yank somebody off of a bus when he was getting revenge.

Frank wasn’t glaring back at Brendon, and that was something else. Frank was always glaring at Brendon, no matter the time of day. Today he was just, looking at Brendon.

"What the hell was that all about?"

Brendon wasn’t sure who said it, because both of their mouths were open, and that was the only thing that was said. If Brendon said that, it would make sense; Frank just barged into a tour bus and yanked him away from Joe and his video games. And Pete, but Pete was listed after video games, so he wasn’t that high on Brendon’s priority list.

But if Frank had said that? That was just messed up. All Brendon was doing was partying with Joe and Pete. Who was Brendon kidding? Pete was a little more awesome than video games. No wonder Ryan has a hard on for him. Brendon inwardly sighed wistfully. On the surface he was just exasperated at Frank.

"Why the fuck were you hanging out with Wentz? Messing around with Mikey’s boyfriend, are you? You’re a freak." Frank hissed.

Brendon squinted his eyes at Frank. "What do you mean? You’re the one who barged in there like a freak."

Frank rolled his eyes, but it wasn’t like his usual eye roll. It wasn’t as sarcastic as it usually was. It was usually get the fuck over yourself. Now it was more of a Silly, Brendon. And what was that about?

Was that a compassionate eye roll? Frank Iero gave Brendon an eye roll that wasn’t filled with disgust, it was one filled with a different emotion.

Brendon just opened his mouth, and the anger dissipated off of his face. "Oh," he whispered. Because that was the only thing that made sense in his head. For two people who were filled with endless bouts of energy, they were both relatively calm.

Frank looked away from Brendon, and Brendon took a step closer to Frank. Something was going to happen, he was sure of it. Frank was gonna hit him, or kill him and bury the body. Something.

"Um. So, what’s going on? Are you into Pete or something? Is that why you were so pissed I was hanging out with him? If that’s the case, I’ll stop or whatever. But, you should probably talk to Mikey." Brendon offered.

Frank rolled his eyes, but it was more of a you’re such a stupid Douchebag. That was a change.

Frank laughed, too. That was a sound Brendon’s never heard before. "Trust me, I’m not into Wentz. I don’t want you hanging out with him anymore though."

Frank took a step closer to Brendon, this strange glint in his eyes. Brendon would be lying if he said he wasn’t scared. Again with the stories. He’s heard some fucking awful stories too. Stories about people who were never found again, after Frank had gotten to them.

Brendon didn’t start to hyperventilate. He didn’t. And his breath didn’t seem to get quicken when Frank took another step closer to him.

And when Brendon hyperventilates, or doesn’t in this case, he tends to speak fast, and about random junk. "Or is it Mikey? I see. It’s Mikey that you want. You were mad at me hanging out with Pete because you want Mikey’s nuts," Brendon stopped to lick his lips because it suddenly felt like the desert all over again. But Brendon didn’t stop long enough to realize that Frank was staring at his lips. Or he lied to himself. "So, I’ll help construct a plan to get Pete and Mikey to break up," Brendon trailed off again because Frank was staring at his lips, and he did not look happy. Frank was going to bite him!

Frank’s eyes narrowed. "Brendon. I don’t want Mikey’s nuts, either. What I do want is," he trailed off to set his hand on Brendon’s hip, "I kind of want to make out with you. And maybe later you can give me a blow job or something."

Brendon gulped, audibly. And since when was Brendon’s throat in stereo? Frank smiled as he leaned in closer, "And before you answer, don’t worry. I’ll reciprocate on the blow job fronts also."

Brendon sucked in a shaky breath. None of this made sense. "So, what do you want to fuck me or something?" And strangely, Brendon was not as opposed to that idea as he should have been.

Frank rolled his eyes and laughed. This was a you wish, Urie. I was just fucking with you eye roll. Now Brendon felt stupid.

"Not yet. I just kind of want to molest you today. My dick won’t go into your ass. Can’t say the same for some of my other body parts. But come tomorrow? You might want to watch out."

And Brendon was okay with that. Ryan was never going to get off of Pete. Brendon couldn’t just pine after him for all of his life. Brendon could get molested by Frank and still pine after Ryan. That sounded like a plan. Ryan wouldn’t care either way. Resistance was futile. Really futile, especially with Frank’s hand on Brendon’s crotch.

Brendon set his hand on top of Frank’s and pushed down a little bit. Frank smiled and rubbed him a little rougher. "Come on, we still have a few hours before sound check," Brendon smiled at Frank’s words. Frank was there, and obviously liked him a little bit. And where was Ryan? Sitting back on the bus, wishing he could have Pete Wentz. Brendon’s heart ached, but what was a crush to do?

Brendon sighed, and tried to smile a little brighter, despite knowing what the future held. He could do this, fool around with Frank. It wasn’t serious anyway. "Let’s go."

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