Woman who accused Bill Clinton of assault to campaign against Hillary presidential run

Feb 10, 2016 05:32

Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation... even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. - Leonardo da Vinci

Hillary Clinton said in the New Hampshire Debate that the mark of Progressivism is progress. In an effort by the Republican Party to halt this perceived evil is an effort to revive the 20 year obsession with Bill Clinton's dick.

According to an article in Reuters, an associate of Donald Trump is trying to revive the Monica Lewinsky affair by recruiting Kathleen Willey. According to Willey's claims, Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her while she was an unpaid aide to Bill Clinton.

One of the women who has accused former U.S. President Bill Clinton of sexual assault says she has agreed to work for an anti-Clinton political group being formed by a former advisor to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Kathleen Willey, a former White House volunteer who says Bill Clinton groped her in an Oval Office hallway in 1993 when she came to him tearfully seeking a paid job, said she had agreed to become a paid national spokeswoman for a group being created by Roger Stone.

Stone, a Republican strategist, said the group would become active should Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton's wife, win the Democratic nomination in the 2016 race for the White House. Clinton is currently the front runner.

Besides being an incident that America should have digested and moved past within the last 15 years, Willey's allegations were found to be not credible by the independent counsel assigned to the case. According to the article on Kathleen Willey in Wikipedia:

The Final Report of the U.S. Office of the Independent Counsel report noted that "Willey and President Clinton are the only direct witnesses to their meeting, and their accounts differ substantially on the crucial facts of what occurred." It also stated "Willey gave false information to the FBI about her sexual relationship with a former boyfriend, and acknowledged having lied about it when the agents confronted her with contradictory evidence. Following Willey's acknowledgment of the lie, the Independent Counsel agreed not to prosecute her for false statements in this regard."[5] According to Independent Counsel Robert Ray's report, "Willey's [Paula] Jones deposition testimony differed from her grand jury testimony on material aspects of the alleged incident."[6]

Willey has a history of controversial claims including telling the FBI she was pregnant and she had a miscarriage when she did not.[9] On the evening of March 19, 1998, Julie Hiatt Steele, a friend of Willey, released an affidavit, accusing the former White House aide of asking her to lie to corroborate Ms. Willey's account of being sexually groped by President Clinton in the Oval Office.[10] An attempt by Kenneth Starr to prosecute Steele for making false statements and obstructing justice ended in a mistrial and Starr declined to seek a retrial after Steele sought an investigation against the former Independent Counsel for prosecutorial misconduct.[11]

Apparently, this is an effort to discredit the Clinton campaign by declaring this highly dubious claim as rape. The organization that Willey heads up is called the Rape Accountability Project for Education PAC, or RAPE PAC.
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