Here we go again.

Nov 22, 2015 10:31

Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice. - George Jackson

Paris has once again been attacked in a senseless and unwarranted terrorist attack, apparently in the same ideological vein as the Charlie Hebdo incident. France has once again proven to be a fertile and easy target to attack with no apparent consequences by terrorist criminals and will continue to do so as long as these extremist actions are tolerated.

I had proposed a plan to fight this growing menace. Although rejected out of hand with much hand wringing and apprehension, it is an alternative to the usual lather, rinse, repeat that has been going on with responses to terrorist assaults. If you are going to comment on this post, please do so with solutions, not timid head-in-the-sand kumbaya style opposition. Yes, the plan is butt ugly but so is the situation. I don't see some daintiness squad as a viable option.

Another day another Western terrorism target drawn into their jihad. The recruitment tools and sympathy continues. ISIL remains faceless while all of industrialized Europe stands to be counted as oppressive producers of ISIL's self-perceived victimology. Now the enlightened world is calling once again to invest blood and treasure in a futile effort to eradicate this spreading infection.

Jihadism doesn't fear it. They welcome it.
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