This or That

Feb 07, 2008 15:59

I hear it's hard to call a livejournal complete without the occasional survey, so here's a quick one. I'll add some more later and try to keep updates coming along.

This or That?
McDonalds or Burger King? McDonald's
Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi
Sierra Mist or Sprite? Sprite
Dominos or Pizza Hut? Pizza Hut!
Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? Friday's
Pancakes or waffles? Waffles
Hamburgers or cheeseburgers? Cheeseburgers
Meat or veggies? Meat
Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate

Sunny or rainy: Rainy
Fruit or veggie? Fruit
Night or day? Day
Sour or sweet? Sweet
Love or money? Love
Phone or in person? In Person
Coffee or tea? Tea
Be hot or cold? Cold

Shower or bathe? Shower
Play an instrument or sing? Instrument
Play ping-pong or pool? Pool
Quiet or loud? Quiet
Dogs or cats? Dogs
Pen or pencil? Pencil

MySpace or Facebook? Facebook
TV or movie? TV
Cell phone or iPod? Cell Phone
Summer or Winter? Summer
Fall or Spring? Spring
Rain or thunderstorm? ThunderstormSnow or rain? Snow
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