May 06, 2008 23:48
Title-Valentine's Day Blues
Rating-E for everyone
Disclaimer-I own nothing from this show....except for pictures XD
Summary-Tom has a hard time on Valentine's Day.
Usually Valentine’s Day was a day for love, joy, and gifts all around, but not for Tom Hanson. He should have been with Doug seeing a movie or going on a walk on the beach or something, but instead he was standing in front of his father’s grave, shivering with the cold of February. He only worked a half day today on Fuller’s orders because he couldn’t concentrate on his work. He knew immediately that he was going to come here. He always did. Doug wanted to come with him, but he made him stay at the Chapel. This was something he would always have to do alone. He hated pushing him away, but it just had to be that way, at least for this event.
“Hey, Dad.” he said quietly. He laid the flowers he had in his right hand down on the grave. He gave the grave one last look and then walked away towards his home. He let his mind roam as he walked down the sidewalk. He thought of the days when he was young and he and his father played catch and wore his police cap. He smiled sadly at the happy memories of his youth, of getting ice cream cones and football on chilly fall days. The memories crossed into when he was older and he talked to his dad about his high school problems like dating, work, life, and the fights he got into. His dad was the one who was the most understanding when he came out as bisexual to both of his parents at the tender age of sixteen and told him he just wanted him to be happy with any person he was with. He wished his father would have lived to meet Doug. He looked over to a pair of teenagers in the park kissing after the boy gave the girl a heart-shaped card.
“That should be my father giving that to my mom.” he thought. He remembered all too clearly the Valentine’s Day that the chief of police came to their house and took off his hat with a solemn look on his face. He remembered his mother’s tears and how he just stood there, not knowing what to do or say or how to feel. He just felt numb. Hell, he still felt that way. The only time he had cried over this was at his father’s funeral, seeing his cold and lifeless body, but he quickly wiped the tears away. Not only did he hate to cry, but he didn’t want anyone to see him like that, so weak and vulnerable. He had to be the man now that his father was dead. Tom passed by a lot of candy stores with huge heart-shaped boxes and cafe’s filled with people celebrating. He wished so badly that he could be like them and not a total buzzkill to everyone around him, but he couldn’t help it. To him, this day was for solemn remembrance, not for celebration. He finally reached his apartment, almost missing it as he was so caught up in his thoughts. He sighed and climbed up the stairs to the apartment he shared with Doug. Knowing him, he probably got him a huge heart-shaped something and wanted to go out drinking. He groaned inwardly. This was the first time that they experienced Valentine’s Day together and he and really hoped that wasn’t the case and that he would just let him be. He opened the door and heard music by some loud rock band coming from the radio. Doug looked up at him from the couch and gave him a small smile.
“Hey. You okay?” he asked. Tom shrugged.
“I’m okay as I can be, I guess. I’m sorry I’m not all in the whole holiday mood.” he said in a slightly abrasive tone, more so than he wanted to convey. Doug nodded his head.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” he told him. He got up off the couch to walk towards him, but Tom turned away.
“I think I just want to lay down.” he mumbled, walking to their bedroom. Doug sighed. He had expected this. Tom didn’t like to show his weaknesses and shut people out. He bit his lip and after a moment decided that he wasn’t going to let him shut everyone out. Tom heard the door slowly creak open and saw his partner standing in the doorway. He turned away, hoping that Doug would do the same thing. He just didn’t feel like talking about it, or doing some stupid Valentine’s Day celebration, but to his surprise he just climbed onto the bed and laid down behind him and wrapped his arms around him so that they were spooning, but in a comforting way. He realized he had underestimated how well Doug knew him. He knew that he wouldn’t want to talk about it. He usually wanted to be alone during this day, but Doug holding him was so nice. He snuggled back against the warm body behind him and covered his arms with his own. As if Doug read his mind, he said “I know you don’t wanna talk about it. I know what losing a parent is like.” He felt Tom tighten his arms around his. “Is this okay?” Doug asked him.
“Yes, very much so.” Tom said quietly. “I like this better than being alone.” he told Doug as the realization of what he just said dawned on himself. Doug couldn’t help the small smile that crept onto his face as his partner said that. Tom felt so safe there in Doug’s arms that he finally let tears fall. Doug wrapped his legs around his in response and still just held him as he cried. Usually he hated to see Tom cry, but he knew this kind of crying was good for him. Small, quiet sobs shook the smaller man’s body and he turned around to face his partner. He pressed their lips together, seeking the comfort of a kiss. Doug obliged, kissing him back. As soon as they pulled apart he kissed away the tears on Tom’s face. In that moment they both realized that they really were celebrating Valentine’s Day-by realizing how much they loved each other and knowing that they would do anything for one another.
valentine's day